Why does tomato seedlings die after picking?

One of the stages of cultivation of tomato seedlings is the holding of its picking. Seedlings are transplanted into more spacious containers. In the unsuccessful implementation of this process, farmers grow up the question: why do seedlings of tomatoes die after picking?

Why does the tomato seedlings not grow and die?

Seedlings are dived when 2-3 leaves appear on it. It is very important to conduct the picking process correctly. It is necessary to pinch the central rootlet by one third, so that additional root formation takes place. If this is not done, then the root system of plants will remain underdeveloped, this will slow down the process of their growth.

The result of unsuccessful picking may be a phenomenon when the tomato seedlings wither and die. This is possible as a result of the following actions:

  1. Damage to the root system during transplantation. To avoid this, you need to thoroughly water the ground before picking, and gently pull the plant along with a clod of earth.
  2. Root bending. When transplanting, you need to make a deep fossa so that long roots of tomato can be placed in it.
  3. Formation of air cavities around the roots. To exclude this, it is necessary to carefully soil the soil around the roots of the seedling.
  4. Filling seedlings. The situation can be rectified by clearing the drainage holes and loosening the top layer of the soil.
  5. Unsuitable substrate. There are times when seedlings do not fit the soil. The only way out is a change of soil.

Diseases of seedlings tomato

Often the reasons why the tomato seedlings die after the picks are her illnesses. The most common of these are:

  1. Rot. The cause of the disease may be overflow, too low air or soil temperature. In this case, it is impossible to save diseased plants. Seedlings, which remained healthy, should be urgently transplanted into a new container.
  2. Blackleg. With this disease, the stem of the plant it becomes thinner at the ground level, becomes like a brown thin thread. The result is the death of seedlings. The disease can develop as a result of waterlogging the soil, lack of lighting, heat, too thick planting. To save seedlings it is possible only at the very beginning of the disease. For this, the soil is watered with potassium permanganate, loosened. In the case of a dense planting, sprouts are seldom dived.

Knowing the reasons why the tomato seedlings die after the picks, you can prevent the development of an unfavorable situation.