Halloween Party

If in the West, a Halloween party is an ancient tradition with symbolic meaning, then for our youth this date is often an excellent reason to take a walk and break away on an excellent themed disco. When it is still possible to dress up in various eerie tattered clothes, draw a bloody make-up in the zombie style and do some fun, frightening your friends, having then "legitimate reasons."

Popular costumes for the Halloween theme party

There are a few of the most common images that members of this fun party use. Most often, ladies are not particularly chosen and dressed as vampires, witches, spattered blood of zombies or demons. But you need to understand that the correctly selected outfit can cause a completely different effect. In a scary suit on Halloween, you can look both sexy, funny or scary. It's one thing when you just draw your own scars, blood stains, and another thing if you have an erotic elfie outfit, female cat, dead maid of honor.

Choose for yourself an emerald dress with a short skirt and loose cut sleeves, boots with a short top, striped pantyhose, a black cape and a chic felt hat with wide margins. Pick up a broom, which is the invariable props of any good witch, and look in the mirror. This outfit will attract the gaze of men and make you a true Halloween party queen. By the way, it is not necessary to buy such costumes at frenzied prices in the store, something original can be built from improvised materials and an old dress. For such a holiday, a gypsy attire, which is made easily from clothes with a motley coloring, will also work well. Several long skirts, a headscarf, bright lipstick, massive earrings, beads and a few more flashy accessories are almost all that is required for this image.

Party Games Halloween

With the choice of entertainment for this holiday, there are usually no special problems. Much here depends on the composition of participants, their age. It is clear that a children's party in the style of Halloween will be much different from a youth disco, in which participants can already afford some liberties. Although adults also like to fool around and some contests for children will successfully be held in the circle of high school students or students. Here are some gambling contests that can cause interest:

  1. Halloween is not bad to note by competition who will drink a glass of delicious "blood" faster, naturally, replacing it with tomato juice. You can do this, as through a tube, so in the usual way. If one of the participants spills, then such an incident is only welcomed, filled with "blood" outfits will enhance the atmosphere of this interesting holiday.
  2. Each of the participants comes to the table and from the "skull", made of a pumpkin or papier-mache, draws a card with the task. According to the condition of the competition, they will need to make a terrible face, to become a bat, to represent the gait of a mummy or a zombie.
  3. If you have the opportunity to get a few pumpkins, then instruct the guests to cut out of them a fun festive flashlight. This competition for a party in the style of Halloween will appeal to people of any age.
  4. It would be great to organize a vampire photo shoot. Using the make-up and overhead fangs, our participants will portray passionate and hungry vampires crouching to the victims' neck. The results of this show can be seen for a long time even after the end of Halloween.
  5. If the number of guests is large and many of them are seriously prepared for Halloween, dressed up in stylish costumes, then you can not do without a parade of outfits. It is clear that you will need to choose the king and queen of the vampire ball, noting their efforts with some "terrible" prizes.

A party in the style of Halloween is always a fun event, reminiscent of a carnival, where guests are able to realize the boldest ideas. You just need to try and sate it with interesting contests and fun, turning a simple disco into a truly memorable show.