Mastopathy pills

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary gland, which often occurs against the background of hormonal disturbances and other accompanying factors.

Depending on the cause, form, severity and intensity of the disease manifestations, the treatment technique varies. Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy is aimed at reducing the growth of fibrous tissue and resorption of cysts, in most cases, such results can be expected from properly selected tablets.

What pills to drink with mastopathy?

The entire spectrum of medications used against mastopathy is conventionally divided into two types: hormonal and non-hormonal agents.

Hormonal treatment is aimed at regulating cyclic changes in the body of a woman with the goal of restoring the hormonal balance. All hormonal medications should be selected by a specialist in accordance with the results of the tests. Most often, when mastopathy prescribed birth control pills , which contain gestagens and other substances that suppress the hypothalamus.

To date, many doctors successfully practice the treatment of mastopathy with phytopreparations, which are among the non-hormonal means. Here are a few examples of the most common ones.

  1. Tablets from mastopathy Mamoklam. Mamoklam - a medicinal preparation, which includes an extract of kelp. Due to its unique properties, tablets from Mamoklam's mastopathy normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce soreness, cause regression of the cysts formed.
  2. Tablets from mastopathy. Indinol. Indinol also belongs to the number of phytopreparations, made on the basis of the components of the cruciferous family. Indin tablets are used for many gynecological diseases, including mastopathy.
  3. The tablets from mastopathy Mastodinon have proved well. Homeopathic remedy, whose action is aimed at restoring the hormonal balance.