Thickness of the endometrium is the norm

Inside the uterine cavity is lined with a special mucosa, called the endometrium. Such a shell is provided with a significant number of blood vessels and plays a huge role in the course of the menstrual cycle, and its thickness varies depending on the dominant hormone in each phase of the woman's cycle. This value is determined only during the passage of ultrasound diagnosis, and it is very important for any problems with the female reproductive system.

Structure of the endometrium

Endometrium consists of two layers - basal and functional. During the period of the month, the functional layer is rejected, but already to the next cycle is restored, thanks to the ability of the basal layer to regenerate. The internal mucous membrane of the uterus is very sensitive to any hormonal changes in the female body. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, progesterone becomes the dominant hormone, which prepares the endometrium to receive a fertilized egg, so in the second half of the cycle it becomes thicker and blood supply is more abundant. Normally, if pregnancy does not happen, the functional layer of the endometrium is rejected again, its thickness decreases, and it leaves the woman's body in the form of another menstrual bleeding.

There is a certain norm of thickness of the endometrium of the uterus for different cycle days, and a significant deviation from this value can contribute to infertility. In this case, a woman needs serious treatment with hormonal drugs under the strict supervision of a gynecologist.

Normal values ​​of thickness of endometrium in different phases of the cycle

Normally, right after menstruation, the thickness of the endometrium is about 2-5 mm, in the middle of the cycle it is in the range of 9-13 mm. In the second half of the woman's cycle, this value reaches its maximum - up to 21 mm, and just before the menstrual period, the thickness of the endometrium decreases slightly, and its norm is 12-18 mm.

During the period of menstrual bleeding, there are very serious hormonal changes in the woman's body. Under their pressure, the thickness of the endometrium is rapidly decreasing, and its norm in menopause is 4-5 mm. In case of thickening of the uterine epithelium during the menopause, it is necessary to observe the doctor in dynamics.