How to change the image?

In order to determine as precisely as possible how to change the image of a woman, where to start and why such a desire arises, let us first consider the very essence of this concept, what we mean by the word image. After all, the term itself has a multifaceted meaning, this includes the style of dress , appearance, inner sense of your "I", relationships with close and dear people, career achievements. And all these components are closely linked, and all together form a single image, called the image.

As for the reasons why at one point there is an irresistible desire to change something, then the options can be mass. From the banal promotion of the career ladder and the need to meet the new status to deeper problems that lie in the general dissatisfaction with their lives.

Whatever it was, if you clearly decided to change the image, do not forget to "set the sail to the wind of change".

I want to change the image: how to do it to a girl and where to start?

Quite a logical trend that the question of how to change the image are set by young girls who are in search of themselves, good work, the second half or are eager for self-development and improvement. Well on the way to the goal, it's easiest to start with the appearance. A few recommendations that will help make this quick and painless:

  1. Let's start with the body - the golden rule "in a healthy body - a healthy mind", doing sports will not only fix your figure, but also your thoughts.
  2. Next, let's go to the hairdresser, here the main thing is not to forget about your individual characteristics. So that it did not turn out that the new hairstyle is completely out of the question for you, it is better to turn to a professional who will choose the haircut and hair color which most advantageously emphasizes the dignity.
  3. It is not superfluous to visit a beautician, a healthy complexion and smooth clean skin - a pledge of beauty and impeccable appearance.
  4. The fact that make-up is able to transform a woman beyond recognition is known to everyone - so why not try to approach this issue with new colors and ideas.
  5. Now about the most important thing - clothes, fashionable, properly chosen, clothes can do wonders. First of all, choosing new outfits, be guided not only by the imaginary image, but by the physique. There are many recommendations in this regard, and it will be more appropriate to seek help from a specialist who will help create your new image in a mature style with all the necessary additions (shoes, bags, accessories, jewelry, and even fragrance).

Changing your image, do not forget about the most important thing - the inner world. Character traits, behavior, own perception of oneself and others all this together with the external appearance will unequivocally raise self-esteem and entail positive changes in your life.