What does the left leg feel?

Many people, when they feel itch anywhere, involuntarily ask themselves what this can mean. Long ago people conducted observations and compared various events among themselves. Thanks to this, superstitions arose.

What does the left leg feel?

The main interpretation of this sign is connected with a long road. The motive may be different, but most often the trip will have to do with relatives. According to one of the versions, this superstition appeared at a time when in Russia ordinary people could not afford to ride horses and walked for long distances. The sign that the left leg is itching can mean the approach of some troubles and problems. Everything will happen unexpectedly, and you will have to react urgently.

Depending on the localization of pruritus, the decoding of the sign differs:

  1. If the leg itches in the region of the shin or ankle, then the news received in the near future will be joyful.
  2. Among people, it is also widely believed that the sign that the feet are itching means the betrayal of a loved one or a close friend. It may also mean an ambulance that will be difficult and unpleasant.
  3. If the itching is felt in the area above the knee, then, the news soon received will have a sad character. Most likely, someone from relatives or friends will fall ill or die.
  4. According to popular signs, on the foot the thumb itches to travel or to an unexpected exit from the house.
  5. If the left knee is itchy, then soon a weather change is to be expected. It is important to take into account that the stronger the itch, the more cardinal the changes will be. Using this sign , people in the past could predict, for example, hail or a strong thunderstorm in the summer.
  6. There is a sign explaining what it means when it itches under the knee. This phenomenon can be taken as a recommendation, that it is worth paying attention to the protection of your home and property, because in the near future there is a serious risk of theft.
  7. The popular sign that the left heel is being healed will tell you about the possible losses that can occur during a long trip.

It will be interesting to know the meaning of the sign, what the legs burn to. Such superstition means that soon it is necessary to go on a long journey. Believe in such signs or not everyone's business, but if the itching does not disappear for a long time, then it's worth to see a doctor, as this may be a sign of the onset of some disease.