Potato juice with gastritis

Gastritis is a disease in which the mucous membrane of the stomach becomes inflamed. According to statistics, this disease affects about 80% of elderly people. But young people, as well as children, are also subject to the disease. This disease in no case should not be ignored, since untreated gastritis leads to an ulcer, and then to stomach cancer . There are a lot of medicines to treat this disease. But there are also folk remedies that help and eliminate the disease well. Below we will tell you how to treat gastritis with potato juice.

Is it advisable to treat gastritis with potato juice?

Atrophic gastritis - one of the forms of the disease, in which the cells of the walls of the stomach lose the ability to function normally, do not produce the proper amount of gastric juice and atrophy.

With erosive gastritis on the surface of the gastric mucosa are formed sores - erosion.

In potato juice there is a lot of starch, vitamins B and C. It is also rich in iron, potassium and phosphorus. Thanks to this composition, it not only saturates the body with useful substances, but also relieves heartburn, normalizes digestion and prevents the formation of ulcers. Thanks to a special alkaline reaction, this folk remedy helps to balance the secretory function of the stomach.

To treat gastritis only freshly prepared potato juice is suitable. Otherwise, this drink will not do any good. Take it about 30 minutes before eating, then lie down for a while, and then start eating.

Potato juice with atrophic gastritis

Potato juice is drunk for 1 week every morning for 100 ml. After that, there are 7 days off and again a week of treatment.

This folk remedy, despite its simplicity, gives good results. Only you need to follow some rules for preparing this medicine:

  1. Potatoes are needed without eyes, washed and peeled.
  2. All green areas, if any, with the tubers must necessarily be cut off.
  3. Prepared in this way the tubers 2 times pass through a meat grinder or tinder on a fine grater. A blender can also be used for these purposes.
  4. After that, the potato slurry should be transferred to gauze, folded in several layers, and wring out the healing juice by hands. All manipulations must be carried out quickly until the drink has darkened.

Treatment of erosive gastritis with potato juice

Potato juice with an erosive gastritis is prepared somewhat differently. In this case potato tubers should not be cleaned, they should be rinsed thoroughly under running water. Further, the procedure for preparing the juice is exactly the same as for atrophic gastritis. Treatment with potato juice from untreated tubers starts with 1 tablespoon, and then the dosage is gradually increased to 100-120 ml. Such treatment is carried out in 3 courses: 10 days I take juice, then 10 days break, and again repeat the cycle 2 times.

In parallel with the treatment of gastritis with potato juice it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet that excludes sweets, flour products, as well as fatty, fried, salty and spicy.

Potato juice is not quite pleasant to the taste. If you can not drink this drink in its pure form, you can sweeten it with honey.

The substances in the potato peel are capable of spoiling the tooth enamel. For this reason, it is recommended to drink potato juice through a tube, and then rinse your mouth with clean water.

Gastritis has a peculiarity of exacerbating in autumn and spring. It is in these periods that it is especially desirable to support the body and drink potato juice.