Which filler for kittens is better?

Together with a fluffy pet, a small kitten, many things come to our house for the realization of his normal life: bowls, toys, a bed, a cat's toilet . The filler of the latter should be carefully selected to not leave odors, reliably absorb and like you and the animal. Often the kitten itself shows which filler for kittens is more to his liking, simply refusing to go to the toilet with another filling.

How to choose a filler for the kitten?

Fillers for cat litter can be made from a variety of materials. Quality filler must carefully absorb moisture and block the odor, it is easy to clean and be economical enough, which is especially important if you have several kittens and adult cats, besides, it should not itself release any harmful substances. Now the most popular fillers for cat litter of the following types:

  1. Wood fillers for kittens are made from pressed sawdust into pellets. When wet, such a granule breaks up, and sawdust reliably absorbs odor and moisture. Such fillers are quite cheap, but at the same time, they are very effective. Wood pellets are not allergens, so they can be used even for the smallest kittens. In addition, they produce fillers with a special granule size - smaller than for adult cats. The only drawback of wood fillers can be called getting into some packages of large wooden chips that can injure a kitten. But they are usually easily visible to the naked eye and easy to remove when the filler is filled.
  2. Caking fillers from minerals and clays. Very easy to use fillers, because their granules under the influence of moisture swell and adhere to each other, forming a lump, which is then easily removed with a special sovochka or simply sifting the contents of the toilet. Most often, special minerals are used as raw materials for such fillers - opal-roll-ballallites and several types of clays. The disadvantage of such a filler may be that it can stick to the kitten's fur and is carried around the house, as well as not always completely destroy the smell.
  3. Silica gel fillers are synthetic crystals that, by their absorbent properties, surpass the other kinds of fillers described above. In addition, other substances are often added to such fillers, which increase the reliability of odor absorption and even refresh the air in the room. However, silica gel fillers are more suitable for older cats and are not recommended for kittens, because synthetic materials that form part of them can cause allergic reactions.

Types of fillers for kittens

The following brands of feline fillers are the most popular on the market:

  1. Filling for kittens "Kuzya" - is made by the Russian company from natural components, in the line there are both wood and mineral fillers. Do not stick to the paws, so the kitten is convenient to walk on the tray and bury "their own affairs."
  2. Filler for kittens "Barsik" - designed specifically for small kittens and takes into account the characteristics of their body and their physiology. Its small granules reliably hold moisture and smell and do not hurt the tender paws of your pet.
  3. "Cat's Best" - wood fillers, made from waste products of fir. Produced by a German company and considered one of the best in the segment.
  4. "Pi-Pi-Bent" - popular domestic fillers made from bentonite clay, have a very wide range, including fillers for cats, kittens, as well as special flavored fillings for cat litter.