What to feed the dog after giving birth?

Feeding the dog after childbirth is a serious matter, because bearing and the product of the offspring, whatever one may say, is a strong stress for the animal's organism. In order for your pet to recover as soon as possible, your task is to provide her with a correct and balanced diet.

Diet of the dog in the postpartum period

So, how to feed the dog after giving birth ? Answering this question, it is necessary to note that the appetite of a bitch after the appearance of puppies for a time will be significantly increased. This is perfectly normal - because it will have a difficult task: to feed small, but very voracious puppies. The first three days after permission, veterinarians recommend a light diet: sour-milk products, cereals, grass, lots of water. After a few days, you can switch to more serious food to ensure the density and nutritional value of the milk.

Nutrition of the dog after childbirth should be divided: give her food in small portions every four to five hours. If we talk about the percentage of products, experts advise to adhere to the following scheme: meat and fish should be about 45% of the diet, various groats - 30%, fresh and boiled vegetables - 15%, milk, cottage cheese and yogurt - 10%. Excellent influence on the lactation of raw carrots, fish and oat-flakes. Be sure that the animal takes a sufficient amount of liquid. If the dog refuses water, put a piece of butter in the bowl to attract it with a smell. Do not forget about vitamins and amino acids: they are equally important for the health of the young mother, and for the growth and development of her babies.

The diet of the nursing dog should constantly grow: two weeks after giving birth, give her twice as much food, three weeks later - three times as much. After a month, the milk will go to a decline, and gradually the dog's appetite normalizes.