How to repair damaged hair?

Everyone knows that frequent stains, chemical waves , the use of a hair dryer, curling iron , stowage, etc. not the best way affect the condition of the hair. Therefore, many women sooner or later face such problems as dryness, cut, brittle and hair loss. In such cases, you can enroll in the salon, where you will be offered regenerating procedures for hair, but you can also cope with this trouble on your own using home hair masks. Consider how you can restore very damaged hair at home.

Recipes of regenerating masks for damaged hair

Here are some recipes for effective masks, which are recommended to be done every 3-4 days.

Kefir mask:

  1. Preheat a small amount of kefir (or curdled milk) in a water bath.
  2. Apply to pre-washed wet hair, massaging the scalp and paying attention to the ends.
  3. Cover your hair with polyethylene, put on a kerchief or a hat on top.
  4. Leave the mask for several hours (you can for a whole night), then rinse with warm water.

Oil mask with yolk and lemon:

  1. Warm the mixture of castor (or olive) and burdock oil, taken from 3 tablespoons, in a water bath.
  2. Mix the oil mixture thoroughly with the egg yolk of one egg.
  3. Add half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.
  4. Apply to dried hair, wait 40 - 60 minutes.
  5. Wash your head with warm water with a detergent.

Mask of rye bread with herbal infusion:

  1. Take one teaspoon of dried nettle , plantain, sage, oregano and celandine flowers.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water and let stand for an hour.
  3. Filter the infusion.
  4. Soak in a tincture of 300 g of rye bread (can be hardened), stir until a uniform texture is obtained.
  5. Apply to dry clean hair, leave for about 2 - 3 hours.
  6. Wash off the mask with warm water.