Signs and customs of the Sretens

On February 15, it was customary to celebrate the Syllabus according to church rules. People in most cases perceive this day for the end of winter and the beginning of spring. There are different signs and customs of the Sensei , which are more related to the weather. For example, the weather on this day is judged on the spring. If the snow falls, it means that the spring will be protracted and rainy.

Signs and customs of the Lord's Savior

Since ancient times people believed that on that day the wind blows all the evil spirits from the trees. In addition, people believed that the stronger the gusts of the wind, the more fruit will be harvested. Many even went out and helped nature, shaking the trees. Another tradition is related to animals, so people tried to feed the chickens in a zealous way so that they could carry well. It was believed that the water consecrated in this church festival will have a special energy and it can be used as a healing one.

There are customs and signs for the Savior of the Lord, related to luck and prosperity. On this day it is forbidden to put a purse on the table, because in this way you can turn away your luck for a long time. Sanctified in this holiday water can be used to conduct a rite to attract good luck. Before noon, it is necessary to pour water into an ordinary glass and place it on a table covered with a white tablecloth. On both sides you should put two candles in the church. After that, read the "Our Father" three times. Then drink three large sips, put the container on the table and say three times:

"How the water flows, so the winds blow, failure will fail, the trouble will wither, the servant of God will bathe (name) with the dew of the morning, will be fresh with the wind. There will be a servant of God (name) lucky, intelligent, everything flows, everything will be connected, all the barriers and dams will disperse, as they were not! Words lock, and the key is gone. "

The candles should be left completely burned. Conjured liquid should be drunk in three days. Another sign or even a belief is connected with the holiday of the Syllable - healing water relieves of various diseases, and yet it has a protective effect, so it can sprinkle corners in the house.

In this church holiday you can also ask about the fulfillment of desire, it is still necessary to turn to the east at noon and say these words eight times:

"The people are standing at the temple gate, meets the people of Jesus Christ, the small child. Mother Mary with Christ goes, Simeon bows to them. I worship at the temple gate, I, God's servant ... (name). I adore the Infant Christ, I will bow to the Cross of God, Mother of the Mother of God, I bow to the ground. And I whisper to Christ in my ear the cherished desire (to call the desire). As the people met at the gates of Christ, so will my desire soon come soon. Amen to my words. Amen".