Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine is a set of methods that claim to be able to prevent and even treat diseases. In this case, complete safety and efficacy is not guaranteed, as the prescribed procedures have not been tested by a scientific method. This name is used in case of using non-traditional treatment processes instead of the conventional ones.

Types of alternative medicine

Unconventional methods of treating various diseases are many. The most famous of them are the following:

  1. Phytotherapy , which involves the reception of broths and infusions of different plants. This favorably affects the work of individual organs. They are used to purify the blood from toxins, improve immunity and other purposes. However, there are no side effects that often appear when taking artificial medicines.
  2. Urinotherapy is the use of urine in animals or humans. In this case, the application can be both external and internal.
  3. Aromatherapy - treatment with aromatic oils and sticks.
  4. Homeopathy. Alternative medicine is used to treat various diseases that cause similar symptoms, as well as the underlying ailment. Only these drugs are prescribed in minimal doses.
  5. Minerals. These can be wellness baths or warming procedures.
  6. Sound. Some believe that certain frequencies and combinations of words can cure a person from a disease.
  7. Acupuncture. This includes acupressure, moxibustion and acupuncture.
  8. Naturotherapy. Only medicinal products of natural origin are used.
  9. Apitherapy. Used honey for application inside and outside.
  10. Manual therapy. A complex of exercises performed by a specialist. This alternative medicine is aimed at relieving pain in the joints, including the spine.
  11. Hirudotherapy - on different parts of the body apply leeches , which help to remove clots of blood.
  12. Bioenergetics - the use of so-called biological energy.
  13. Hydrotherapy - the use of baths, wipes, douches and other procedures associated with water.
  14. Stone therapy - massage is performed with stones of different weights and geometry.
  15. Hunger. The technique implies a strict diet, even to the prohibition of taking even water.
  16. Magnetotherapy. Treatment is carried out by magnetic fields by using the appropriate materials.
  17. Diet. This includes a separate food, reception without protein or without carbohydrate food.
  18. Metallotherapy. Plates of various metals are applied to the body.

All these funds are used to treat diseases of various kinds and origins, ranging from chronic ailments, and ending with a simple headache.

Effective methods of alternative medicine for varicose veins

Separately it is necessary to tell or say about treatment by nonconventional variants of varices . Many experts believe that this ailment can be got rid only with the help of already proven and tested laboratory methods. In this case, there are many cases that prove the opposite. Some managed to cope with the problem with the help of yoga, others using daily baths with warm water - it all depends on the personal predisposition of each individual, the stage of the disease, lifestyle and other factors.

The most common alternative treatment for the disease is considered to be nutmeg.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

All nutmegs must be crushed - it's best to do this in a coffee grinder. One teaspoon of the received powder is poured in a glass of boiling water and honey is added. The infusion is left for half an hour. The resulting mixture is drunk one hour before breakfast and two hours after eating the sutra. The first changes will be visible in a month.