Crochet brooch

Crochet brooches today are popular with those who appreciate the art of modern masters. Once upon a time there were massive brooches with voluminous stones, sometimes they were decorated with feathers and framed in a thick metal frame. Today, these values ​​are not so actual - either the inconvenience of massive and heavy brooches has affected this, or the price is not reliably known, but the fact that knitted needlework brooches are experiencing a peak of glory is an absolutely reliable fact that is easy to check at the fair of masters.

Brooches crocheted are comfortable for everyone - both with their lightness and durability (if dropped, the knitted brooch retains integrity, and if soiled, it is easy to wash), and of course - beauty. The creative, which allows a knitted brooch, is almost unlimited - the master chooses any color and creates any shape.

It would seem that knitted brooches could look awkward in comparison with laced metal, but here, it turns out, they took advantage, because the yarn from which the brooch is made can be thick and thin, and the knitting technique can be laced and solid.

Knitted brooch flowers

Knitted brooch flowers - the most popular, because they are easy to bind, creating in stages, on the petal, and then, combining the composition together, or immediately take on the creation of a single flower that looks schematic and flat.

Brooches with flowers are often decorated with beads, beads or rhinestones, which makes them even more elegant and beautiful.

Knitted brooches in the form of animals

The subject of funny animals is the tendency of craftsmen. Funny birds, giraffes, and even starfish become the inspiration for knitters. As a result, bright and optimistic little masterpieces are obtained, which are called to lift the mood to everyone, as they look at them.

Crochet retro brooch

The retro theme in costume jewelry could not ignore the brooches, and today even black and white photos of the beauties of the 20th century are used to give the product an aura with a retro attachment.