Exciticosis in children

Eksikozom called loss of fluid from the body, which occurs with various infectious diseases due to constant vomiting and loose stool. It is dangerous for a person to lose even 5% of fluid from body weight, especially in children, so you need to know the signs and methods of treating exsicosis.

Signs of excision

The first signs of the disease are manifested in the loss of 40 mg / kg of fluid: weight loss, dryness of the mucous membranes and oral cavity, tachycardia and thirst.

With further loss of fluid, the patient's reflexes weakens, the mind becomes confused, the turgor of tissues decreases, eyes fall, the limbs become cold, oliguria begins to develop, and in young children, the fontanelle stays.

With a large loss of fluid (more than 10%) - coma may develop, the pulse becomes weak and frequent, blood pressure drops and oliguria passes into anuria (hypovolemic shock).

Degrees of excision

Depending on the amount of water lost, three degrees are distinguished:

With 1 degree of exsicosis, emergency care consists in replenishing the lost fluid with a copious drink of water, tea with lemon, a five percent glucose solution, and a regridron . Patients with 2 and 3 degrees should start drinking at home, but be sure to call an ambulance to transport the patient to the hospital.

Intestinal exsycosis in children

Intestinal exsycosis - a violation of water-mineral metabolism at the cellular and intercellular level, most often occurs in children breast and preschool age. It can be caused by intestinal infections, such as cholera and colibenteritis. Among the usual symptoms are tachycardia and hemodynamic disorders. The main tasks of intensive care are:

Very often in young children, intestinal diseases are accompanied by toxicosis with exsicosis. In such cases, you should apply for hospitalization in an infectious disease hospital.