Gray hair of a child

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that gray hair occurs in older people. However, the gray hair can be a child. If it's two or three hairs, then perhaps there is no cause for concern. However, if he has more gray hair, or if they are localized in one place, then this is an occasion for parents to think about the factors that caused the appearance of gray hair in the youngster.

Why do children have gray hair?

Early graying in children can be due to the following reasons:

What to do?

If, during an external examination, you noticed a gray hair on the child's head, then you should not tear it away. The problem will not be solved, but the pain will be delivered to the baby. You can cut this hair with scissors. If it is pulled out, it will only promote the growth of gray hair.

To restore the color and structure of hair, you can drink a course of paraaminobenzoic or folic acid . It is also necessary to revise the diet of your child and introduce cabbage, cherries, apricots, blackberries, pears, onions.

An alternative method of treating gray hair in childhood is the daily intake of two tablespoons of parsley root juice.

Do not self-medicate. It is necessary to show the child to a dermatologist or trichologist who will help to find the true reason why the child had gray hair at such an early age. You may need to pass the appropriate tests. Only a doctor will be able to determine whether the treatment of gray hair in a child is a necessary measure or whether it is the influence of a hereditary factor. In this case, anything can not be changed.

If you are sure that the baby is healthy, heredity is good and there are no psychotraumatic situations, then you can take preventive measures, adjusting the nutrition of your child and increasing the amount of vitamins consumed.