Hot head of a child without temperature

Quite often, young mothers turn to pediatricians with a problem in which a child without temperature has a head (forehead) hot. Let's try to figure out what could be causing this situation.

Why does a young child have a hot head?

To begin with, it must be said that when diagnosing the cause of this situation, you must first pay attention to the age of the baby. So, the normal temperature of a newborn baby is almost always close to 37 degrees. This is explained by the fact that the mechanism of thermoregulation in such babies is imperfect, they depend very much on the ambient temperature. That's why, sometimes the child's body is cold, and the head itself is hot, but there is no temperature.

It is also necessary to say that quite often a child can have a hot head with teething. A rise in body temperature may not be observed.

However, in most cases, this phenomenon in young children is observed as a result of excessive care of mothers, who are very much reveling their baby. It is worth removing a few raspashonok - as, the so-called "heat", and never happened.

What to do in a similar situation?

If, however, the child has a temperature increase, the legs are cold and the head is hot, then most likely this indicates the onset of the infectious process.

To begin with, it is necessary to adjust the heat exchange in the child's body by covering it with a warm blanket. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, you need to call an ambulance.

While waiting for the doctors to arrive, the mother should give the child as much drink as possible. Excellent at the same time suitable compotes, fruit drinks, you can use ordinary drinking water.

If the child has no temperature and the head is hot, it is necessary to ventilate the stuffy room, and for the time being ventilated, go into the next room to avoid a cold. The baby itself needs to be dressed more easily so that it does not sweat. If such actions did not change the situation, you need to contact the pediatrician for advice.