Ascaridosis in children

Ascarids are parasitic roundworms that can live in the human body. Adult females are 40 centimeter worms, which in a day put up to 100 thousand eggs. They live in the small intestine, constantly moving to the food that the baby eats. After swallowing a viable egg by a child, a month and a half passes before the development of the adult, and this period is called migration. At first, the baby's organism resists the "new neighbor", and then the worms can live in the child's body for a year and a half, without giving anything away.

Ascariasis in children is one of the most common helminthic invasions that occurs in toddlers, and the reason for this is dirty hands, which the child after playing in the sandbox or ground, pulls into his mouth, or poorly washed vegetables and fruits on which the ascaris egg can be .

Symptoms of Ascaridosis in Children

Obvious signs that would only indicate this disease - no. Very often, parents treat a cold or diarrhea, but in fact the baby thus manifests a reaction to the parasite that has settled in its body. The main symptoms that can indicate the presence of ascarids are:

Symptoms of ascaridosis in children can occur both individually and together. Everything depends on the child's immune system and allergic reaction to individual fragments of parasites, which are the strongest allergens. Particular attention should be paid to one more feature - this is creaking with teeth during sleep. This theory has not received official medical confirmation, so if the child's tests are in order, do not treat it with anti-inflammatory tablets for prevention.

Anthelmintic preparations

How to treat ascariasis in children is not a difficult question, but a responsible one. Now on the pharmaceutical market there is a large number of medicines that help fight ascarids:

  1. Wormil is a tablet or emulsion. This drug successfully fights not only ascarids, but also with many other parasites. The scheme of treatment of ascaridosis in children is very simple, and consists in the fact that it is enough for a child to give 1 tablet for 3-5 days. This drug will not only kill the larva and eggs of the parasite, but also all living things. After three weeks, it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment. The drug can be administered to children from 2 years of age.
  2. Helminthox is a suspension. This is one of those drugs that can be given to very young children, starting from 6 months. It is prescribed, depending on the weight of the baby - the dosage is 12.5 mg / kg and is applied once. For the prevention of ascaridosis in children, it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment after three weeks.
  3. Decaris - tablets. This drug not only successfully destroys the helminthic invasion, but also increases the immunity of the child. One children's pill is designed for 10 kg of weight. If your baby weighs 20 kg, then, according to the instruction, he is given 2 tablets once.

Diagnosis of ascaridosis

It is worth remembering that all medications should be prescribed by a doctor and only after the test for ascariasis in children shows a positive result.

To diagnose ascariasis in children, the following tests are used at an early stage:

At a late stage, a stool test is performed for the presence of parasite eggs.

If your child is diagnosed with ascariasis, do not despair. Now this disease with great success is treated, and quite quickly and simply. For prophylaxis, supervise that the kid after walks always washed his hands and ate only washed fruit and vegetables.