Cervical Hyperplasia

In the medical language, the term "hyperplasia" means a dramatic increase in the number of cells. This phenomenon can be associated with both a benign process and a less favorable malignant process.

Causes of cervical hyperplasia

There is hyperplasia most often when the hormonal balance is violated, for example, due to dysfunction of the ovaries or with unjustified intake of hormonal drugs with unsuitable for a particular woman dosages. Also affect metabolic problems, namely diabetes mellitus, obesity.

Types of cervical epithelial hyperplasia

In their structure, these types of hyperplasia are distinguished:

  1. Glandular - proliferation of glandular structures in the vaginal part of the cervix. Often they are taken by doctors for erosion and are subjected to cryodestruction, unjustified intervention in this disease.
  2. Glandular-cystic - proliferation of glandular tissue (hyperplasia of the glandular epithelium of the cervix) is accompanied by the formation of cysts.
  3. Microlife - proliferation of cervical glands.
  4. Atypical or adenomatous - with a given form of hyperplasia (hyperplasia of the cylindrical epithelium of the cervix), a tumor degeneration is possible.

The main difference is the degree of development and neglect of the pathological process. There are no reliable studies that statistically accurately show that any of the above species is a precancer. However, constant watchfulness and regular observation of such patients are still necessary.

Diagnosis of hyperplasia

The data of the anamnesis, allowing to judge the presence of hyperplasia, should contain the following symptoms:

There is also an asymptomatic course, but it is rare.

Instrumental methods of confirming the diagnosis are: cervicoscopy, sight biopsy from the lesion, hysteroscopy, ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Laboratory methods used in the diagnosis of cervical hyperplasia: analysis for hormones (estradiol, progesterone, luteinizing - LH, follicle stimulating - FSH).

Cytological examination: a smear of cells. And for the patient's peace and proper treatment tactics, it is necessary to insist that a smear and oncocytology be taken: mindfulness never hurts.

Treatment of cervical hyperplasia

The most commonly used is adequate hormone therapy. When the process is started with the risk of malignancy, surgical methods are used: partial removal of damaged cervical tissue. The method of removal depends on the degree and characteristics of the course of hyperplasia, the optimal way is chosen by the attending physician.