Perforation of the uterus

Perforation of the uterus is a dangerous complication of some gynecological manipulations, which involves damage to the uterine wall that penetrates right through. The reason is the doctor's non-compliance with the technique of surgical intervention inside the uterine cavity under the following manipulations:

Perforation of the uterus during scraping is especially dangerous because the procedure is performed by a curette that has sharp edges. In connection with what is often damaged and internal organs. In this case, the effects of uterine perforation can be fatal.

Risk factors and symptoms

The appearance of the perforation of the uterus is not only the fault of the medical worker. An important role is played by the state of health and features of the anatomical structure of the internal genital organs. For example, the following are listed risk factors that predispose to perforation of the uterus:

Determine the signs of uterine perforation is not always easy, because often manipulations in the uterus are carried out under anesthesia. And the doctor can guess about the complication arising only in the appearance of the patient and in his subjective sensations. But nevertheless to the basic symptoms of a perforation of a uterus it is possible to carry:

  1. Sudden sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Bloody discharge from the genital tract.
  3. Increased body temperature.
  4. Weakness.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. With abundant blood loss, there is a decrease in pressure, pallor of the skin, rapid pulse.

Perforation of the uterus - treatment

Treatment of uterine perforation occurs only surgically through laparoscopic or laparotomic access. During the operation, the edges of the wound are stitched, the abdominal cavity is inspected for possible damage and the abdominal cavity is washed. With timely diagnosis and treatment, the state of health does not suffer, there are no negative consequences.