Follicular ovarian cyst - treatment

Incorrect lifestyle, excess weight , imbalance of hormones - all this can cause a follicular cyst, which, as a rule, interferes with the onset of pregnancy. This type of education occurs in more than 80% of cases of cyst diagnosis. That is why the treatment of the follicular ovarian cyst is currently being given special attention.

About the disease

The follicular cyst of the ovary arises from the absence of ovulation, during which the ripe follicle should burst. Education is benign and never goes to the stage of cancer. As a rule, cysts up to 4-5 cm size dissolve on their own during the next menstruation or several subsequent cycles. As such, the follicular cyst of the right or left ovary is not treated in this case.

Requires treatment with follicular ovarian cysts, which continues to grow and in sizes exceeding 5-6 cm. If drug therapy does not yield results and education continues to develop abnormally, surgical intervention is required.

In order to seek medical help and exclude a surgical method of treatment, it is important to know the symptoms of the follicular ovarian cyst. Among the main:

Follicular cyst: treatment

Since the main cause of the cyst is a violation of the hormonal background, to treat education use drugs that restore the balance of hormones. It can be like hormonal medications, for example, treatment of the follicular ovarian cyst Dufaston gives good results, and homeopathic remedies. In addition, the doctor appoints a vitamin complex to strengthen the body.

In the treatment of ovarian cysts in patients with overweight physicians practice the introduction of dietary nutrition. Practice shows that with a decrease in weight in this case, the hormonal background normalizes, and accordingly, gynecological problems disappear.

In the complex treatment of follicular cysts, the symptoms of which may not be very pronounced, an examination of the thyroid gland and digestive organs is prescribed. Also to strengthen immunity, additional methods are used - acupuncture, mud and physiotherapy.

Follicular cyst - treatment with folk remedies

Fortunately, to date, there are many effective ways to treat the follicular cyst, so education does not pose a particular threat. How to treat the follicular cyst, of course, you decide. But if you have chosen the treatment of education with folk remedies, consult a specialist beforehand.

For example, you can take a chance and try out these recipes:

  1. Tincture of mushroom . Take 3-4 fly agarics in small sizes and mix with half a liter of alcohol. Infuse the mixture for three days in a dark place, use from one drop to two teaspoons (depending on the reaction of the body) before eating.
  2. Golden mustache . 40 joints of a golden mustache insist in half a liter of food alcohol 10 days. Half an hour before meals in the morning 10 drops of tincture to stir in 30 g of water and drink, in the evening to repeat the reception. Daily add one drop. After reaching 35 drops, also every day to reduce the dosage. Between courses to do a ten-day break. The practice of using shows that this tincture is quite safe, and also effective for some other gynecological diseases.

Incorrect therapy can lead to rupture of the cyst and internal bleeding, so do not take self-medication.