Puncture of the breast - consequences

Mammary gland puncture is a diagnostic test to obtain a tissue particle from the neoplasm in the breast. This method gives very accurate results. With its help determine benign or malignant cells.

Puncture biopsy of the breast is prescribed when suspicious seals, nodules are found in the breast. Sometimes a puncture is performed to remove excess fluid from the cystic formations.

The procedure does not require special preparation. It is recommended only not to take blood thinners (aspirin and other medicines) a week before the puncture. A biopsy can not be given to pregnant, lactating women and suffering from an allergy to anesthesia.

How do puncture the breast?

There are two main types of puncture:

  1. Thin-needle, which uses a thin needle. It is inserted into the breast seal, and the doctor takes the necessary amount of material. All manipulations are performed using the breast ultrasound .
  2. Thick-needle is used if a large amount of tissue is needed. A biopsy is done with a thick needle equipped with a cutting device. Or apply a special biopsy gun. For this procedure, local anesthesia is required. Scars on the chest after the examination will not remain. The doctor conducts all the actions, guided by the ultrasound machine.

Consequences of puncture of the mammary gland

The described method of examination is absolutely harmless, since it excludes damage to blood vessels and nerve endings. Sometimes, after a puncture of the breast, there may be swelling or bruising at the injection site. Some time will be allocated a saccharum. This is normal.

In extremely rare cases, with the use of non-sterile equipment, an infection can be entered. If after the procedure you have a fever, then always consult a doctor.

Do not be afraid of this survey. Puncture of the breast is more unpleasant than painful. But very informative. The main result of the examination of the breast will be the answer to the question - oncology you have or another disease.