Greenwood Great House

Greenwood Great House - one of the oldest mansions not only of St. James, but of all Jamaica . Previously, this 200-year-old landmark belonged to the family of Elizabeth Barrett-Browning, a famous English poetess. In addition, this building is one of the best preserved on the whole island.

A bit of history

Originally the owner of the estate was the father of the poetess, Edward Barrett, who owns land with a total area of ​​34,000 hectares and 2,000 slaves. Also, the family had an estate in London on Barret Street, north of the now-famous Selfridge store. The construction of the Greenwood Great House began in 1780, and by 1800 it was completely completed.

Museum in Greenwood Great House

In order to preserve the historical integrity of property, in 1976 Ann and Bob Betton opened a museum in it. Since then, he has received many awards, including a medal for outstanding achievements in preserving the state heritage. By the way, Greenwood Great House is a national monument of Jamaica.

The museum itself is divided into conditional zones:

Behind the house you can see the old apparatus intended for making the caramel mass (sugar boiler). Not far from it is a picturesque garden with many exotic plants, among which frangipani (frangipani flower) is a special beauty - a small tree, whose flowers are used to create festive wreaths.

Visit Greenwood Great House - this means replenishing the luggage of your memories, gaining a lot of positive emotions and a sea of ​​aesthetic pleasure.

How to get to the mansion?

From Kingston it is better to go along the A1 highway, the journey time is 2 hours 54 minutes. From the neighboring city, Falmouth, by car can be reached in just 15 minutes (road A1).