Wedding ceremony

In folk art, you can find countless rhymes, chastushki, sayings and songs in honor of matchmaking. Of course, the ritual of matchmaking should have been fun, rich and good-natured, even if afterwards, the parents of the bride and put on the porch pumpkin.

In the old days, perhaps the main hurdle of the whole process was dowry - chests with handicrafts of the bride, wealth acquired by the father, dishes, paintings, furniture and everything. It was about the dowry that the families of the groom and his matchmaker thought, when the topic was touched on, how the marriage ceremony would be held. After the more you manage to get "for the goods", the greater will be their subsequent remuneration.

A modern wedding ceremony, when the theme of the bride's needlework is not affected, you can focus on jokes, feast and acting skills to bargain and bring down the price of a bride-ineptitude.


Perhaps, the most active preparation for the matchmaking ceremony is conducted by the groom. The bridegroom, matchmakers, and the groom's parents must come to the bride's house. With them, they should bring gifts, as well as bread and salt according to an old custom.

Everything begins with indirect questions and praising the groom with matchmaking. Then they turn to questions about the bride: "Is it good?", "Is it economic?", "Smart, virtuous, modest?"

On the part of the bride, the rituals of matchmaking, basically, means praising "goods", that is, brides. Parents or matchmakers must show that on the rich table, all the most delicious prepared it. We need to demonstrate that she sews, knits, weaves, draws, etc.

All this time, the bride sits quietly in her room, and, of course, at its best. To matchmaking the bride is dressed in the most expensive and luxurious, but at the same time, she should look defiantly. In the olden times it happened that for all the matchmaking the bride and groom could not hold hands even, they could not sit next to each other. What can we say about the joint holding of the next evening.

When parents call the bride at the table, it means that the groom's suitors asked to show the "goods". Now the groom's matchmakers must ask the intricate questions about what the bride does about the house, how she lives and what she likes. They, filling the price, can ask her to make dinner from improvised means, wash the floors, cake the pie , lay it on the table. And woe to that bride that did not cope with the requests of matchmakers!

Perhaps the most pleasant thing in modern matchmaking is that, with the maximum imitation of the traditions of antiquity, the groom, the bride and their families know that all these are jokes-dances, and, no matter how burnt the bride's cake, the pumpkin will not come to the point .