Privorot on blood from the finger - the consequences

A love spell on the finger is considered one of the most powerful and dangerous magical rituals. If you decide to use this way to charm a man, you should weigh everything very well, because the love spell from the finger is very dangerous and has quite serious consequences.

Consequences of a love spell on a finger

The love spell from the finger begins to act almost immediately, even if it is made at a distance, the effectiveness of this spell does not decrease for six months, and it can take several years to act.

The most common option is a love spell on the finger of a finger using wine. To do this, it is necessary to pierce a ring finger with a needle on your right hand and squeeze a few drops of blood into a glass of red wine, while saying the words: "How to drink wine, (man's name), your passion will burn, All thoughts will be about me, and day and night and in a dream. " Your chosen one does not need to drink all the wine, in order for the spell to act enough to make just one sip.

So, if you still decided to bewitch your beloved with blood from your finger, then be prepared for the following consequences:

  1. The man you have bewitched can start drinking heavily and no "coding" will help to cope with this addiction.
  2. A man will become more aggressive, quick-tempered, jealous, the character will deteriorate noticeably.
  3. You can become barren, and no doctor will help you.
  4. The man will have problems in bed.
  5. If a married man is born with a man, then most likely they will be seriously ill or in the future will be unhappy.
  6. After a while your choice will begin with health problems, your career will break down, your financial situation will deteriorate noticeably in your family.