How to protect the child from the evil eye?

The child, especially if he was not yet baptized, is a very weak protective energy field, so it is easy to jinx it. In some cases, even a few insincere words can cause the child to become ill. That is why it is important to know how to protect a child from evil eye and envy.

First, a few words about how the presence of the evil eye can manifest itself. Most often, the baby just cries for no reason or on the contrary manifests taciturnity. Symptom is also poor appetite, fever and other health problems.

How to protect the child from evil eye and spoilage?

There are a few simple rules that appeared in ancient times and have survived to this day. The most important and strong amulet for a child is the cross that he receives after baptism .

How to protect a child from the evil eye:

  1. It is not recommended to show the child's face before baptism. Observe this rule even before the baby is 1.5 months old.
  2. After hiking into the place of a large crowd, wash your face with holy water.
  3. Do not allow other people to lisp with the child. If this happens, then massage the area of ​​the third eye of the baby with a bone of the index finger, and then, wash it.
  4. Do not talk about the success of your child to other people.

Finding out how to protect the child from the evil eye to baptism, we suggest to consider a magic ritual that will protect the baby from negativity. Take a few berries and leaves of mountain ash and place them under the mattress in the crib where the baby sleeps. Sprig of the plant should be placed near the head of the head. On all subjects tell the plot:

"Rowberry, rowanberry, give my little son (daughter) zdorovochka. Protect from the unclean, from the black eye, from the bad word, from all the dashing. Amen".

Such words should be repeated three times. As a protective amulet, you can use a pin, which should be pinned on the baby's clothes or stroller, but only in a place where it will not be noticeable.