Chicken in sour cream in a frying pan

Chicken meat is one of the most popular and consumed meats in most countries of the world, which is understandable: this product is relatively inexpensive, easily digestible, recommended for dietary and baby food. In addition, the chickens are easy to breed and grow, the chicken meat is quickly prepared by any known methods and is perfectly combined with various products.

Tell you how you can cook chicken in sour cream in a frying pan. Chicken meat can be fried or slightly fried, and then stew (the second method, of course, is preferable from the point of view of dietetics). In any case, it is better to cook in such a way as not to subject the sour cream to a long heat treatment, otherwise it is curtailed and significantly loses its usefulness. For roasting, it is best to use chilled fat, olive or rapeseed oil (sunflower quickly burns, resulting in carcinogens).

Chicken fried with mushrooms and onions in sour cream - recipe



Chicken meat cut into small pieces, peeled onions - quarter rings, champignons - small slices. We re-heat the frying pan. Fry immediately together meat, onions and mushrooms for 5-8 minutes on medium heat, shake the pan occasionally and stir with a spatula. Then the fire is reduced and brought to the ready with the addition of spices for at least 15 minutes. Fill with sour cream, seasoned with chopped garlic and mix. Tomorrow at the lowest heat for another 3 minutes, cover with a lid and turn off the fire. Now let everything stand for another 5 minutes. Served with any side dish and herbs, you can also serve pickles and / or salads from vegetables.

Even better from the point of view of dietetics cook this way: fry the chicken over an open fire and serve with mushrooms and onion in sour cream, cooked in a pan separately. Or in a city apartment, you can cook chicken in aerogrill, or simply bake in the oven.

Chicken in sour cream with garlic



Cut the whole leg into 2-3 parts each and bake in the oven in a refractory form until a crispy crust (about 1 hour). You can sprinkle meat 1-2 times with a small amount of beer or water. Practically ready meat is poured with sour cream, seasoned with garlic and ground spices, and send the form to the oven switched off for another 10 minutes. We serve with any side dish and herbs.

Chicken fried, flambéed in sour cream in a pan in Latin American style - recipe



Chicken meat cut into short strips or brusochkami, onions - quarter rings. Heat the frying pan in a frying pan and fry it on medium-high heat with chicken along with onion until golden hues. We pour in the frying pan tequila, it is necessary to ignite it, continuing to heat. Flambirate the meat until the flame in the frying pan is almost extinguished itself, and cover with a lid.

Sour cream seasoned with chili pepper with crushed garlic and a small amount of salt, pour the chicken in a frying pan and leave for 5 minutes under the lid. We serve chicken with polenta, sprinkle with chopped herbs.