Buckwheat with meat in a pot in the oven

Buckwheat porridge with meat, baked in a pot - a fragrant and incredibly rich dish. It will be appreciated by your family and will definitely ask for supplements. We offer you several recipes of buckwheat with meat in a pot in the oven.

Buckwheat with chicken in a pot



Before you cook buckwheat with meat in the pots, rinse the rump thoroughly and leave it in cold water to soak. Without losing time, rinse the meat with the fillet and cut into small pieces. In the saucepan we warm up the oil, lay out the meat and stew it in its own juice. Bulb and garlic is cleaned and small shredded. We process the mushrooms, cut the plates and add the prepared vegetables to the saucepan. Season with spices to taste and simmer until the liquid evaporates completely. In the vial, pour cold water, add mayonnaise, tomato paste and spices to taste. We mix the contents well and taste it. Now take the pots, lay out first meat with vegetables, then go to sleep with buckwheat and pour all the cooked sauce. We lay out a piece of oil on top, cover with lids and send buckwheat with meat and mushrooms in pots to a cold oven. Set the temperature at 180 degrees and leave the porridge for 40 minutes.

Buckwheat with mince in a pot in the oven



Vegetables are cleaned, washed and cut: onion - small cubes, and carrots - half rings. Now we warm up the sunflower oil in the frying pan and pass the vegetables to a golden color, and then transfer them to a separate bowl. In the frying pan fry the minced meat and add it to taste. Buckwheat sorted out of debris, carefully washed and put on the bottom of pots. Then distribute minced meat and vegetable roast. Season the dish with your favorite spices to taste and pour boiling water. We close the pots with lids and put them into a cold oven. We set the temperature regime approximately 180 degrees and bake the dish for 1 hour. After that, the oven is switched off, the pots are not taken out, but we'll grill the buckwheat with the meat for another 20 minutes.