Hormone leptin

Leptin is formed in fatty tissues, affects the body weight, regulates metabolic processes. The hormone leptin is also called the saturation hormone, because the level of appetite in a person depends on its content. With its lack, it becomes difficult to control the appetite, because serious obesity develops, which can be treated only when certain drugs are taken.

The norm of leptin in women

The content of this substance in the body depends on age and sex. As a rule, women have leptin higher. At the age of up to 20 years, in men, the leptin is between 15 n / ml and 26.8 n / ml, in the weaker sex - 32.8 n / ml plus or minus 5.2 n / ml. The index is higher in children, and after reaching the age of twenty, the share of leptin, determined by blood analysis, drops significantly.

Preparation for analysis

Before the analysis it is forbidden to eat food for at least eight hours, and also to expose oneself to physical loads and to drink alcohol. On the day of donating blood it is forbidden to smoke, and you should also try not to be nervous.

Leptin is raised

Especially dangerous is the high level of the hormone in the body. This leads to diseases of the heart muscle and blood vessels, strokes and heart attacks, since a high leptin index provokes the formation of thrombi .

The reasons for the excessive content of leptin are:

This condition is also observed with artificial insemination.

How to reduce leptin in women?

The amount of hormone produced by the body depends on the body weight. With serious weight loss, appetite is greatly enhanced, and many may notice a predilection for completely unaccustomed products.

Lower the level of the hormone:

It is important to normalize the appetite, which, however, takes a lot of time.