Lilith - the first wife of Adam from the Bible - who is she?

People who study religion, periodically meet with the name Lilith, which causes many conflicting opinions. Thanks to the efforts of scientists, the history of this personality was thoroughly studied. As for the opinion of the church, she denies the existence of such a woman in religion.

Who is Lilith?

Researchers came to the conclusion that Eve was not Adam's first wife, since God created from clay not only the most famous man in religion, but also a woman - Lilith. She stood out with her beauty and intelligence, so she came to the conclusion that she is equal to her husband. Lilith did not obey Adam and believed that she had the right to do whatever she wanted. As a result, she was expelled from Paradise for such behavior. Adam's first wife, Lilith, from the Bible became a friend of the angel Lucifer, with whom she later was banished to hell from heaven.

It is known that the Old and New Testaments corresponded several times with the change of the text. To ensure that the Holy Scripture did not contain any unnecessary information, a council of clergymen was assembled who coordinated the text, so no one can read this Lilith from the Bible. Many researchers believe that this woman was the author of the old text of the forgotten Gospel. There are opinions that Lilith is still alive.

What does Lilith look like?

The description of the appearance of the first woman on earth differs depending on the sources. In medieval demonology, it is represented as the personification of sexuality, so Lilith is described as a beautiful woman with mouth-watering forms. In more ancient sources it is represented by a demoness with a hair covering on the body, a snake tail and animal paws with claws. In the Jewish tradition, the beautiful appearance of Lilith is associated with her ability to reincarnate.

Children of Lilith and Adam

Although the first man and woman, created by God from clay, were married, but they had no children (some sources claim the opposite). Since it is believed that Lilith is still alive, her numerous offspring live on Earth. Most researchers agree that the descendants can be divided into two branches:

  1. Children from ordinary men . Adam and Lilith had no joint children, but the woman, thanks to her sexual attraction, could attract many other men and give birth to them. It is believed that the children of the first woman stand out for their exact position in life and despise any restrictions. They are attractive to people and have supernatural abilities.
  2. Children from angels . Lilith's first wife, Adam, had contacts not only with angels, but also with demons. Born of such a union, children had the ability to ignite objects with a look, reincarnate in animals and birds, absorb the energy of other people and pass through walls. Over time, non-human abilities were blocked by nature.

Signs of Daughters Lilith

Each woman can independently check whether she is a descendant of the first woman on Earth. To do this, you need to compare your life with several statements and if there are seven or more positive answers, then it is considered that there is a link.

  1. Weak health in childhood.
  2. The first woman of Adam Lilith was red-haired, so her descendants will have the same hair color or black. The eyes will be blue, gray or blue.
  3. On the third phalanx of the toes grow hairs, which are easy to see.
  4. Children are not considered the main priority in life.
  5. The birth of a child occurs quickly and without complications.
  6. Like Lilith, Adam's first wife, her descendants, is very sexy and has an affinity for many men.
  7. Often dreams of colorful dreams with a fascinating story.
  8. There is a huge love for cats.
  9. Loneliness is a familiar condition and it is comfortable in it.
  10. Public norms and rules are often overlooked, since own opinion is more important.
  11. It turns out easy to manipulate people around .

Prayer of Lilith

People who consider Adam's first wife to be close in spirit can not only speak to her, but also pray. It can be addressed by women who want to attract men to themselves, to become more attractive and sexual. Read the text one time, before going to bed. It is important to imagine that the demon Lilith communicates and conducts not a prayer, but a dialogue. During reading, the stress is placed on the last syllable.

Lilith in Christianity

When Christianity arose, many bans appeared, including the name Lilith, because it was perceived as an analog of the devil's curse. You can not find information about it in any biblical book. The fallen Angel Lilith was excluded from history and transferred to the category of demons. There are many myths about this woman, but they, according to the clergy, do not apply to religion in any way.

Lilith and Eve in the life of a man

It is believed that from Adam's two wives, the division of women into two psychotypes has taken place: mother and mistress. Scientists of the Institute of Population Genetics conducted studies suggesting that all living women are reduced to two clans, at the base of which is Lilith and Eve. Scientists believe that they are completely different at the genetic level, which is manifested in relation to the family, men and sex.

  1. Eve is considered the keeper of the hearth, so it is important for her to find a husband , to create a strong family and give birth to children. The first woman on Earth Lilith prefers independence and self-realization.
  2. For a woman with Eve's code, love quickly passes to affection, and for the descendants of Lilith this is unacceptable.
  3. Eve will never destroy the family because the relationship has changed and something is grabbing for them.
  4. For women with Lilith code, sexual relations are of great importance, which should be bright and always bring pleasure. As for the women-Eve, for them, sex is a marital duty, which is far from being primary.
  5. If we translate into modernity, then society, women who live according to the principles of Adam's first wife, are called bastards. For Eva, such a concept as a housewife and keeper of the hearth is more appropriate.