Harpy - interesting facts about this mythical creature

In the Greek myths there were many terrible characters, and one of them - the harpy - creature from the underworld. Allegorical figures and images of these monsters personify greed, stinginess, uncleanliness, cruelty and insatiability.

Harpies - who is this?

In ancient Greek mythology, such strange and terrible creatures as the harpy, the most eerie inhabitants of the underworld appear. They appear in the guise of half-women-half-birds of a hideous appearance, which move in small groups and terrify people. The name harpies is associated with the word "grab", "kidnap". It was believed that these creatures were sent to the guilty before the gods and each time during the meal they stole food from them, infecting it with a stench. According to some legends, they guard the entrance to the underground abyss of Tartar and kidnap the children.

What does the harpy look like?

Harpy - a mythical creature, in the guise of which there are human and animal features. According to some legends, they used to be beautiful girls, but for their sins they turned into monsters. The descriptions of monsters vary, but based on most myths, they have:

Where does the harpy live?

In the ancient myth of the visionary king Finier, a harpy is mentioned - a harmful and greedy creature. Several half-women were sent by Zeus himself to starve the disobedient ruler, but thanks to the goddess Irida, the evil creatures were driven to the Strofad Islands in the Aegean Sea. Later, at the behest of the Roman poet Virgil, they "moved" to the kingdom of Hades, becoming the improvised god of death. Sometimes they helped the souls move into the underworld. Ugly creatures are mentioned in Dante's Divine Comedy. They are the inhabitants of the seventh circle of Hell , where suicide is attempted.

Harpies exist not only in mythology. This name is worn by a large predatory bird of the Hawk family. It has powerful wings, the range of which reaches 2.5 meters. When she is nervous or scared, the feathers on her head rise and become like horns. Various species of harpies inhabit the tropical forests of South and Central America, the Philippines and New Guinea.

Harpies - mythology

Mythical harpies appeared in the ancient writings of many famous authors: Hesiod, Antimachus, Apollodorus, Apollonius, Epimenides and Gigin. They were given different names and images, but more often they represented how the three sisters, the daughters of the sea giant and the oceanographers of Electra. They were called:

  1. Aella, in translation means "whirlwind".
  2. The ocipet is "fast".
  3. Kelayno is "gloomy".

Still known Podarge, gave birth to winged horses from Zephyr, and Ozomen - "smelly." Names speak about their elements and troubles, which the monsters carry with them. The Greeks ugly half-women personified a sudden misfortune, which flew like a gust of wind. From their attacks, not only did King Finey, but also the Argonauts Zet and Kalaid. According to some authors, the monsters managed to destroy, according to other sources they disappeared in Crete.

Harpy - interesting facts

The names of the legendary creatures and their images in different areas bear approximately one character.

  1. In heraldry, a symbol means a defeated enemy, vices, passions and ferocity.
  2. The harpy bird of prey has received its name for the way, how bloodthirsty it deals with its victim, tears it to pieces.
  3. In the popular TV series "The Game of Thrones," the secret organization "Sons of Harpy" is mentioned, which opposes the slave system and the power of the existing ruler. Members of the organization brutally dealt with the accomplices of the Queen.

Real and non-existent in nature monsters unites one: they are related to force, cruelty and inexorability. Initially, the characters of the ancient Greek legends appeared as wind spirits. They were considered the culprits of storms and other bad weather. According to the descriptions of half-women-half-birds were swift, attacked suddenly, also quickly disappeared, carrying with them grief and bringing horror to people. And today harpies are sometimes associated with the release of the soul from the body and the culprits of a quick, sudden death.