God of the Slavs Velez

The God of the Slavs Veles is considered a werewolf, because he was able to know not only light but also dark forces. Called him a sage and patron of the arts. It is believed that Veles can subdue the elements, and he also has the ability to change the laws of the universe. He is considered one of the highest Gods and in his submission are the lower spirits . Veles - the patron of trade, hunting, farming, cattle breeding, and his people called the lord of the forest.

Who is Slavic God Velez?

According to the legend, Veles was born not from a person or even from another deity. Once the goddess of love caught a pike in a lake in the heavenly garden. She ate it, and threw out the magic bones on the field. There they were found and eaten by the heavenly cow Zemun. Because of this, she had a strange creature, which externally had signs of a man, a bear, and even a bull. We called him Veles. After a while it was discovered that he has the ability to change the face and subordinate natural laws to himself. The name "Veles", according to numerous studies, came from the word "waggy", which indicates a connection with the animal world.

The pagan god Veles was revered and loved by many, except for Perun, although they are considered to be brothers. The whole point is that Veles seduced Perun's wife Dodola and eventually she gave birth to his son Yarilo from him. As a result Veles was cursed and expelled from the rule. He lived a lot of time on the ground and taught people different arts, but this was not liked by other Gods and they sent him to Navi, where Velez found his wife Yaga and stayed with her.

Interesting facts about the Slavic God:

  1. Velez had magical gusli, the music of which fascinated everyone around.
  2. A sacred tree is considered poplar.
  3. Day of the God of Veles - the period from the evening of February 27 to the evening of February 28.
  4. Pagans believe that he is the chief judge of human souls.
  5. Veles is considered the progenitor of giants, so he always revered warriors and other high and strong people.

Places of power of this God the Slavs are mainly equipped in lowlands and groves. In honor of Veles, people built various temples, a huge number of which were in Novgorod, Kiev and Rostov.

The Symbol of the God of Veles

For the Slavs, this sign is of great importance, it is also called the "Star of Veles". It is believed that he has tremendous power and if, a person chooses it for himself as a sign, then this is a certain responsibility, since it must be treated with respect. Interestingly, many nationalities and faiths wanted to make the sign of the God of Veles their own. For example, the Jews called him "the shield of David."

"Star of Vesela" is considered a universal amulet for any person. He gives strength to men, and he allows women to improve their social status. Its symbol is endowed with wisdom, justice, courage and strength. If you choose for yourself the symbol of this God, you can feel the ease not only in the body, but in your thoughts. The sign of Veles helps to develop magical abilities. An ideal talisman it will become for the person wishing to become famous.

For the symbol of the God of Veles to work, it needs to be activated. To do this on Wednesday, go to the spruce forest and spend there an uncomplicated rite. Find a stump so that there is a lot of moss around. Put on him an amulet and relax for a while, try to feel unity with nature. At this moment, you can ask Velez to fulfill his most cherished desire. Near the stump pour a glass of beer or kvass and sprinkle the amulet. Such a ritual is recommended to be spent from time to time to recharge the amulet. The strongest days for charging the amulet are May 22 and July 12.