Infant Flux

If the child does not want to go to the dentist's reception, some parents, as it was dozens of years ago, frighten him with a flux. "The cheek will swell and it will be very painful," they say. But what kind of punishment is this - flux?

Odontogenic periostitis (inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth) is the second, more official name for the flux. If a child has a flux, his tooth is very sore, the tissues of the tooth and mucous membranes become swollen. Therefore, the baby with the flux also swells up his cheek.

Flux on the gums in a child can occur under the influence of one of three factors:

  1. Infection into the oral cavity (for example, due to dental caries).
  2. Injury of tooth.
  3. Inflammation of the gingival pocket.

After the flux began, the events develop as follows: the pus begins to accumulate in the tissues of the tooth due to infection, and then it moves forward inside the tooth. The process of flux development is limited by the periosteum.

What is dangerous for the baby?

Flux is dangerous with a large accumulation of pus, because this can lead to serious consequences. At home, parents can only reduce swelling in a child by rinsing with sage or oak bark. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of the flux without the help of a dentist. Self-medication sometimes even leads to the spread of purulent infection.

What if your child has a flux?

At the first signs of the beginning flux of the child, it is immediately necessary to show the dentist. A specialist during the examination will assess the condition of the tooth, make a decision on its removal or preservation, individually select the appropriate medication for your crumbs.

Treatment of flux in children in most cases requires surgical intervention. How to treat the flux in children depends on the form of inflammation, the location of the tooth and the location of the abscess.

At an early stage, that is, in the absence of an abscess, the child is treated with an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory antibiotics. But even such a simple treatment must necessarily appoint a specialist.

Flux, whose timely treatment has been neglected, can lead to quite serious diseases, if the purulent formations move from the periosteum to the muscles of the face, neck.

How to persuade a child not to be afraid of a dentist?

No matter how strong the discomfort experienced by your baby due to the flux, the news that you need to go to the dentist is unlikely to make him happy. Not only do children experience excitement when thinking about dental treatment, but most of us adults.

By all means, you need to convince the kid to go with you to the clinic. Well, if before the problem occurred in your family there were conversations that sooner or later people get to see a dentist. Explain to the child that modern dentistry is at the highest level today and all possible discomfort is reduced to a minimum. Help in persuasion also examples from your own childhood or real stories from the life of one-year-old of your crumbs, if you know them. If the explanations do not work, apply positive reinforcement in the form of some gift to the child for going to the doctor.

Treatment of Purulent Flux Removal

Elimination of the flux, in which the baby has already accumulated pus, is performed in the dental clinic with the use of anesthesia. About the aching tooth, the doctor makes a cut to let out the pus. To ensure a complete outflow of pus and in the future, the place of the cut is provided with drainage.

Parallel to this, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed. They will relieve pain, help to avoid the child's inflammation and heat. Take antibiotics will need several days according to the scheme recommended by the doctor.

In case the problem milk tooth before the occurrence of the flux has been treated twice already, it is highly recommended that it be removed. Preservation of such a tooth in the oral cavity can lead to the fact that the following permanent tooth will be affected by caries. Yes, and flux - a phenomenon that can be repeated, if not to eliminate its root cause.