Dysentery: treatment

Dysentery is a dangerous disease that affects both adults and children. It is the infection of the body and the defeat of the large intestine. The causative agent of dysentery is the products of the dysentery rod (shigella), which penetrates the body through dirty hands, uncleaned water and contaminated food, and is also carried by flies. Toxins are collected in the large intestine and cause its inflammation.

The incubation period lasts a maximum of a week, but is usually limited to 2-3 days. The first signs of dysentery in children are usually the following:

Then the children have specific symptoms of dysentery - pain in the lower abdomen (first blunt, then sharp, cramping) and frequent stools of greenish tinge with impurities of mucus and / or blood. Before defecation, pain is usually worse.

In children up to the year, dysentery proceeds differently: longer, the symptoms are not so pronounced, the stool can be without blood. The severity of the disease in infants depends mainly on the degree of dehydration and toxicosis: if the dysentery is diagnosed in time and the treatment is correctly constructed, the disease will be mild without complications. Otherwise, severe consequences are possible, from the addition of concomitant infections to intestinal bleeding.

Treatment of dysentery in children

The disease usually begins acutely, and the first thing that parents should do is call a doctor at the house, which will determine how to treat dysentery in your children, prescribe them the necessary medications (with medication and severe form of the disease - preparations of antibacterial action). Supportive, but from this no less important role is played by maintenance therapy - rehydration of the body and a sparing diet.

In order to prevent dehydration, as often as possible, offer the child a powdered water in the water rehydron or smecta. These drugs make up for the water-salt balance of the body, remove toxins from the body and positively influence the general condition of the child.

Diet in children with dysentery plays a special role in treatment. From the menu it is necessary to exclude foods rich in fiber and irritating the walls of the large intestine (fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, nuts, beans). The main diet of the patient with dysentery is puree, low-fat soups and dairy-free cereals. The food should be boiled or cooked for a couple, and also necessarily wiped. Meat and fish can be served in the form of boiled meatballs.

As for kids up to a year, who already receive complementary food, they can be given sour-milk mixes, porridges on a decoction of vegetables, wiped cottage cheese.

This diet should be followed until the complete disappearance of clinical symptoms and recovery of the child. Then the menu gradually expands, but the transition to normal power it does not happen immediately, but gradually, within 1-2 months. This is necessary to prevent the transition not to the end of cured dysentery in a chronic form.

Prophylaxis of dysentery in children

The disease of dysentery brings a lot of inconveniences to the child and his parents. To prevent this from happening, children should be taught from a very early age to observe personal hygiene rules. Measures to prevent dysentery include:

Observing these rules, and also on time turning to a doctor, you will protect yourself and your children from dysentery and its terrible consequences.