Why does the child have a yellow tongue?

If the parents noticed a yellowish coating on their tongue, it causes them considerable concern. Consider why a child can have a yellow tongue and whether it is so scary, as it seems.

What explains the change in the color of the language?

Before panicking, make sure that your child has not eaten fruit or vegetables that have a bright yellow or orange color (pineapples, pumpkin, oranges, persimmons, carrots, apricots), as well as foods containing food colorants shortly before. To check why a one-year-old or older child has a yellow tongue - for the reasons described above or because of the illness - it's very simple. Plaque, appearing from food and drinks, is visible only shortly after eating and is easily cleaned with a brush.

As practice shows, the medical reasons why a child's tongue becomes yellow is quite a lot:

  1. Overeating or abuse of over-fatty foods, which leads to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Serious infectious diseases , especially those accompanied by an increase in temperature. In this case, the plaque is caused by excessive dryness of the tongue.
  3. Poisoning. In this case, understand why the child has a yellow plaque on the tongue is very simple. Frequent vomiting and diarrhea cause intoxication and dehydration of the body and as a consequence - violations in the functioning of the liver, causing such a state.
  4. Jaundice. It can be either physiological in newborns, or hemolytic, or may be a symptom of hepatitis.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity of a local nature. These include stomatitis, gingivitis, caries, tonsillitis, and the like.
  6. Serious diseases of internal organs: diabetes , kidney disease, autoimmune pathological conditions, etc. All of them are accompanied by a metabolic disorder, which explains why the child has a yellow tongue.