The child froze his cheeks - what to do?

Most parents, afraid of frostbite in children, do not go out with them when the temperature of the air on the street is below -20 degrees. However, it is possible to freeze the protruding parts of the face even in a dank autumn weather with high humidity and strong wind. Especially prone to frostbite babies, because they walk in a stroller almost motionless for a long time, and their cheeks are not protected by any clothing. Each mother needs to know what to do first, if her child has frostbitten her cheeks, and how to treat frostbite.

Symptoms of frostbite

In the event that the child frostbitten the cheeks, the first sign of the disease will be a change in the complexion - the skin may be bright red, or may acquire a white or cyanotic shade. In the cheek area, tingling and burning can be felt, and the skin itself loses sensitivity. Because young children can not tell their parents about their feelings yet, and older children often simply do not pay attention to similar signs, it is necessary to closely monitor the color of the baby's face.

First aid in case of frostbite

Let's consider what should be done if the child froze his cheeks, and they are a bit pale or blue. First of all, the victim must be urgently taken to a warm dry place and remove the outer clothing. An older child can be offered to drink hot tea with honey. Do not try to rub your face with snow or mittens right on the street, because the frost-bitten skin is very thin, and it can be very easily scratched and infect.

Also it is forbidden to rub the baby's cheeks with alcohol, vodka or vinegar, as grandmothers can advise. Alcohol is incredibly quickly absorbed into the bloodstream through a thin layer of damaged skin. Easy rubbing of child's cheeks can be done only with pads of fingers or with a soft woolen rag.

Only after the pink color begins to return to the baby's cheeks, which means that the blood supply is restored, the face can be anointed with a cream, for example, Traumeel, BoroPlus or Bepanten.

If the complexion of the child does not change, and the consciousness is clouded and there is rapid breathing or palpitations, it is necessary to immediately call a doctor or call an ambulance and may have to continue treatment in the hospital.

In order for your child, and especially the little one, not to freeze his cheeks, in winter, just before going for a walk, always smear his face with a special fat cream or petroleum jelly, even if it seems to you that it's warm enough on the street.