Doppler for pregnant women

Doppler or, more simply, doppler in pregnancy - this is one of the methods of ultrasound. It is used in cases when it is necessary to objectively assess the relationship between mother and child through the study of placental circulation. Especially important, this method of diagnosis has, if a woman has a clotting disorder. Due to Doplerography, it is possible to accurately determine the location of each particular vessel and determine the rate of movement of blood along it.

Indisputable plus dopplerography of pregnant women is its safety and high information content. This study is indicative even in the early stages, which makes it indispensable in a complex of perinatal diagnostic methods. For example, at 5-6 weeks with the help of a doppler ultrasound can measure blood flow in the arteries of the uterus. This makes it possible to know in advance about future complications, for example, about the possible delay in fetal development.

When to make a doppler during pregnancy?

The first ultrasound with doppler is expedient to be carried out on the period from the 20th to the 24th week. This is connected with the fact that it is at this time that hemostasis disorders occur in the pregnant woman, and also the risk of development of hypoxia, gestosis, intrauterine growth retardation and development of the fetus is high.

Repeated doppler examination for pregnant women is usually performed on the period from the 30th to the 34th week. At this stage, doplerography helps in the complex assessment of the growth and development of the child.

Special indications for dopplerography of pregnant women

In addition to routine Doppler surveys, you may need to undergo an additional procedure of Doppler ultrasound as directed by a doctor. This is necessary if you have any health problems or special indications, such as:

Dopplerography of pregnancy with placental abruption

Previously, placenta method was used to study the placenta's position and development, the essence of which is the radiographic examination of the uterus for determining the location of the placenta in it. This method was considered more sparing compared with radiographic research. However, now this method is almost completely replaced by ultrasound methods of placenta research.

Ultrasound of the placenta is performed not only to determine its location, but also to confirm the diagnosis (or its elimination) of premature placental abruption. Unfortunately, this phenomenon occurs, albeit infrequently, among pregnant women.

Approximately in 3% of women the course of pregnancy is complicated by placental abruption. Such a violation of the course of pregnancy occurs due to an incorrect structure of the blood vessels in the placenta or in the uterus. Provoke pathology can factors such as diabetes, increased blood pressure, heart disease, sexual infections, as well as injuries sustained during pregnancy.

Symptoms of detachment of the placenta may be spotting from the vagina, severe pain in the lower abdomen. The process can be accompanied by intrauterine bleeding and a violation of the intrauterine development of the baby's future. Sometimes the condition leads to his death.

Dopplerometry with detachment reveals strong violations in the heart rhythm of the fetus. The study makes it possible to determine exactly how far the process has gone and what is the threat to the child. Based on this study, a decision is made on emergency treatment.