Nemeti hands during pregnancy

It is very rare that a pregnant woman feels fine throughout her "interesting position" and does not complain about anything. Often, pregnant women have fatigue, heartburn, drowsiness , irritability, impotence and many more different symptoms that all at once can not be listed. For example, many women have dull hands during pregnancy.

Nemeti hands during pregnancy - reasons

Unusual sensations in the hands of each woman can describe in different ways. It can be:

But most often the description of peculiar manifestations is suitable for numbness. Practically all doctors are ready to assert that if fingers become numb during pregnancy, this phenomenon is passing and there are no special reasons for its appearance.

If the right arm becomes numb during pregnancy

The most common cause of numbness in the hands is a tunnel syndrome, in which the nerve in the carpal tunnel is jammed. This is usually due to a constant load on the arm or as a result of curvature of the spine. We do not notice our pose at the computer or when we sit on the couch in front of the TV. But over time, all this can affect the general condition of the body. The cause of numbness of the fingers can serve as a constant squeezing of the shoulder nerve bag on the right side.

Nemeth the left hand during pregnancy

Many doctors associate the numbness of the left arm with a violation of the heart. To some extent this is so. Because when the heart does not work well, the blood circulation in the body is disrupted, which leads to numbness in the hands. But blood circulation can be disturbed not only as a result of heart failure . Immobility, lack of physical activity, improper nutrition, can also lead to numbness in the hands of pregnant women. As a rule, during pregnancy at the beginning of the term, hands become numb at night, but already at the end of the second and the beginning of the third trimester, such sensations can manifest throughout the day.

Edema as a cause of numbness of hands

Puffiness, which often affects pregnant women, is not uncommon, but they can not be considered a norm either. Therefore, if the pregnant woman has noticeable swelling and numb hands, then in this case it is necessary to see a doctor. The doctor will indicate the cause of edema and in most cases advise to reduce the intake of salty foods.

Why are my hands numb during pregnancy?

A common explanation for a woman's poor health is osteochondrosis or osteoporosis, as well as other spinal injuries that lead to hands numb during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the nerve coming from the spinal cord to the hand is pinched, as a result of which the fingers become numb in the pregnant woman.

Before planning pregnancy, it is better to contact a good specialist who can diagnose and cure diseases, which can cause unpleasant sensations when carrying a child. But there are a number of diseases that can cause exactly the numbness of the hands of a pregnant woman, so it is worth paying special attention to the diagnosis of such a woman.

Low activity during pregnancy - good or bad?

Many mothers, afraid to harm their future baby, stop actively moving, thinking that they are saving their fruit in this way. But with a decrease in activity, the body is not able to burn the necessary amount of calories, which as a result leads to excess weight. Poor blood circulation, as a result of low activity, as well as a possible lack of minerals and vitamins, can also lead to dull hands during pregnancy. Diabetes is also a likely cause of such unpleasant symptoms.

Gymnastics during pregnancy

Sometimes it is not clear why the pregnant women get numb, especially if the woman has never complained about any pain. The cause of this can be malnutrition, as well as lack of exercise. Therefore, in order to feel good and be in great shape, you need to do gymnastics for pregnant women on a daily basis. A special set of exercises will help to develop and relax all the necessary muscles that can clamp your nerves. As a result of such gymnastics, a young mother can feel good and she will not have swelling, numbness of hands and other health problems.