Polysorb during pregnancy

During pregnancy, unfortunately, there are also unforeseen situations when the body needs support in the form of medicines. But everyone knows that their reception can be unsafe for a small man growing inside the tummy.

Can Polysorb be pregnant?

It is for such cases, when the use of most drugs is prohibited, there is Polysorb, which during pregnancy can help out in many situations. The composition of the drug includes silicon dioxide, which is able to absorb all kinds of harmful substances and quickly evacuate them from the body without causing harm to the mother and baby.

By its effectiveness this agent is much better than all known activated carbon. And if Polisor should be taken in the amount of 1 spoon, then coal will need to drink 12 tablets for a similar effect. This agent is the last generation sorbent, which acts as quickly as possible.

Due to its excellent qualities of enterosorbent, Polysorb is used during pregnancy with great success and without side effects. The only exception is silicic intolerance, which is extremely rare and there are problems with stool (constipation) that may occur due to an increase in the dosage or duration of treatment.

How to take polysorb during pregnancy?

Preparations of the last generation during fetal gestation are most often prescribed for pregnant women with toxicosis, and Polysorb is no exception. But in addition to his ability to suppress nausea and reduce vomiting, use the remedy in such cases:

In the instructions for the use of Polysorb during pregnancy, it is indicated that you can take it early, without fear of penetration of the active substance to the baby. This drug is concentrated only in the digestive tract, utilizing all sorts of chemical elements, and then is excreted from the body in an unmodified way naturally through the intestine, without getting into the blood.

But this is exactly what women need from the very first weeks. Enough 12 ml (one tablespoon with a slide) Polysorb in pregnancy three times a day to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis - nausea or even vomiting. To prepare the solution, it will take 100-150 ml of cool boiled water, in which the necessary amount of powder should be dissolved.

How does polysorb against toxemia in pregnancy?

Due to the ability of the drug to bind and remove from the body of various substances, the pregnant woman is released from metabolic products, which cause vomiting and nausea during toxemia.

In addition, not only harmful substances are derived from the digestive system, but also medicines, vitamins, and nutrients from food that are necessary for a woman. Because Polysorb should be taken only 2 hours after eating and taking medicines.

Polysorb helps very well with diarrhea during pregnancy, when other drugs can not be used. Silicon dioxide binds and removes decay products (toxins) from the digestive tract within a few minutes after taking the drug.

Due to the fact that the preparation covers the stomach and intestines from the inside with a protective film, the access of harmful substances to the blood, and hence to the fetus, immediately stops. That is why it is so important from the very first hours of poisoning or suspicion of receiving enterosorbent.