Why can not you name a child after the deceased?

Sometimes the choice of a name for a newborn baby is very difficult. Dad wants to name his son as a famous football player, his mother - in a modern, foreign manner, and grandfather dreams that his granddaughter's name, like him. But it is much more difficult when one or both parents want to name an infant in honor of a deceased relative, indignant, why one can not call it as they want. Let's find out how to act in such a difficult situation.

Is it possible to call a child after the deceased?

Whatever one may say, our whole life is connected in one way or another with various prejudices, many of which have become almost a tradition. The roots of all this stretch from the heathen times, when people were not materialists, blindly believed in higher powers and lived in fear of their anger. Part of this spiritual heritage went to our contemporaries.

Why one can not name children after deceased relatives, acquaintances or other deceased, no one can logically explain. Since there is no one hundred percent regularity between the name and destiny of man. But the main thing, how does the person react to it, does he take such things with all seriousness.

According to popular beliefs, and not only our own, it is believed that the name carries certain information about a person. That is, when an infant is named, they assign him a certain matrix, which imposes a misprint on his entire destiny and predetermines his actions, his life in advance.

Some people give a name to a kid in secret from others, and only parents know it, and officially, they call it absolutely differently, so that dark forces can not harm him.

As for the deceased person, the fact that he died is no longer good for the unshakable soul of the child being called. And if a person led a martyr's life, suffered a lot, was not happy or even died tragically, then this whole negative inheritance is transferred to the child named in his honor.

Believe it or not - it's a personal matter, and if the parents are sure that all this idle speculation and they themselves do not believe in such nonsense, then you can call the child as you please. Moreover, the church supports them in this. Priests generally do not have the word "Destiny" in their vocabulary, and therefore it can not be programmed. Man - is what he created from himself, what successes he achieved independently, and in any way the name can not affect it.

In order not to trust this kind of speculation, one can remember another forgotten old belief that it is impossible to call a child in general in honor of someone, even a living one, since the baby automatically takes the guardian angel of this person and he soon dies. But in fact, very often kids are called in honor of grandparents, and those in the meantime are doing their best to old age. So you can call a kid by any name and the main thing is that it is harmonious, combining with the patronymic and surname.