Varicose veins during pregnancy

Approximately 20% of women with pregnancy have such a violation, as varicose of the labia. As a rule, the symptoms of such a phenomenon disappear themselves almost immediately after the baby's birth. However, this does not mean that this violation should remain without doctors' attention.

Because of what during pregnancy can there be varicose veins?

In most cases, such a violation is a manifestation of a common varicose disease, which during the period of gestation of the baby passes into the stage of exacerbation.

Also, the factors that cause the development of the disease, in which the veins are protruded on the labia during pregnancy, are:

It is also worth noting a physiological fact: a decrease in the tone of blood vessels and an increase in the stagnation of venous blood contributes to the hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. In addition, it is necessary to take into account such a factor as genetic predisposition.

How to treat varicose veins during pregnancy?

All medical measures carried out with such a violation can be conditionally divided into non-medicamentous, medicamentous and surgical.

If during pregnancy, suddenly, on the labia, a woman's veins become distinctly manifested, the first thing to do is to reconsider their daily routine. Also, combating the manifestations of varicose veins is helped by wearing special lingerie and physiotherapy exercises.

Medicamentous therapy consists in taking medications that increase the tone of blood vessels.

Surgical correction is performed, as a rule, after delivery, and includes sclerosing therapy and laser correction.

Thus, if during pregnancy a woman observes the appearance of veins on the labia, it is necessary to tell the doctor who will prescribe the treatment.