Feng Shui Bedroom

The bedroom is the most important room in your home. In it you spend a third of life, in it you rest and gain strength for the next day. It is very important that all conditions for a good rest and relaxation are created. It was very fashionable to decorate the bedroom interior with feng shui. Skeptics argue that this is just a fashion trend and can not help much. Those who decided and tried to use the doctrine of feng shui for the bedroom, argue that this really works and brings results.

Feng Shui bed arrangement

One of the most important moments in the design of the bedroom is the successful and proper arrangement of the bed. The bed itself should not be too cumbersome. Well, if it is made of wood and does not have sharp corners. It is very popular to make a bed with built-in drawers. In terms of practicality, this is very functional. But from the point of view of feng shui it is an accumulation of extraneous and unnecessary energy in your bedroom. If there is a very great need for boxes, try to store bed linens or blankets there, but not old photographs and any rubbish. The location of the bed by feng shui should be as follows:

Color of the bedroom by Feng Shui

There are two directions for decorating a bedroom: in Yin or Yang style. The first style is for people who sleep well and do not complain about sleep. This is a classic bedroom decoration. Preference is given to pastel colors: peach, beige, pink. The light should be soft and muffled, the best lighting option is wall lights with colored shades. Furniture is better to choose with rounded corners. The bedroom in the style of Yan is suitable for anxiously sleeping and badly falling asleep people. You should choose colors that are more saturated: dark red, rich green, even blue. The ceiling should also be painted in the color of the walls, but less saturated. Even bed linen is better to choose with a bright print. On walls it is better to hang a wall with glass frosted plafonds.

Feng Shui mirror in the bedroom

The most important rule: sleeping people should not be reflected in mirrors under any circumstances. If the mirror is very necessary, but there is no way to arrange it differently, put the screen in front of it or cover it with a cloth for the night. Experts do not rule out another unpleasant moment: reflected in the mirror, the pair provokes the appearance of a "third person" in their bedroom. This can lead to betrayal of the partner. Maybe this is not a completely argued statement, but why pull a tiger for a mustache?

Feng Shui Flower

According to the teachings of feng shui, preference should be given to flowering and large plants. Such plants give more energy. Here are some rules that Feng Shui offers:

Feng Shui is a doctrine of harmony and balance. Knowingly in the eastern countries this teaching is given so much time and is taken very seriously. Feng Shui bedroom can not only provide a good rest and quality sleep, it can significantly affect your intimate life. If possible, it is better to choose the northern location of the bedroom. This will help to breathe a new life into relationships and establish them. North-west location will help to maintain stability in relations with the partner.