How long are the struggles?

Very often births begin precisely with fights. At the very beginning of this process, soreness is very weak and many women who have a low pain threshold can not even feel them.

In order to understand that childbirth has really started and this is not the training bouts that have been observed lately, it is necessary to begin to detect them. When the gap between them is shortened, and the fight itself becomes longer, it is time to gather in the maternity department.

How long are the struggles with the primigravidae?

When a woman before birth is at home, then she can not rush to rush to the hospital with the beginning of the bouts. To do this, you need to know how long the contractions take before giving birth. After all, the future mother, who will have the first child, can feel discomfort the day before giving birth. On average, the fist fighters last about 8-12 hours.

If the waters have left at the very beginning of the generic process, then the "dry" (anhydrous) period should not exceed 12 hours, because there is a threat of infection to the baby. If birth does not begin during this time, then stimulation of labor or a cesarean section is used.

Second childbirth - how long are the struggles?

If the woman in labor passes this process not for the first time, the time of contractions is shorter than the first time. This takes about 6-8 hours. But do not forget that we are all different and generic process also each differs. Childbirth can begin without fights and be taken by surprise, or cramping pains grow very quickly, which leads to an accelerated opening of the cervix. Therefore, a woman who is recurring at the first sign should gather in the hospital.

Knowing how many hours contractions last, you can also plan the time for which you should get to the hospital. Especially it concerns those whom third, fourth and more genera expect. An organism familiar with the process suffices, as a rule, 3-4 hours to open the cervix and the baby is born very quickly, in comparison with the primipara.