Green water at birth - the reason

Very soon you will have to go through one of the most important stages in life - the birth of a child. During the time the baby was waiting, there were many things that made you worry. And now, on ultrasound it became known that in the amniotic fluid there are a lot of suspended particles that can talk about particles of stool's feces, gun hair and de-oiled skin from the baby's skin. The last two cases are absolutely harmless and suggest that the baby is preparing to be born soon, but in the first case, when giving birth there will be green water and the reason why it happened may not be one.

Why is the water green?

I just want to note that without tests, even the most experienced doctors are not in a position to say exactly why there were green waters during childbirth, but they can only assume the cause. To do this, they analyze how the pregnancy has progressed and if there are suspicions of complications of the infant, carry out appropriate diagnostics. However, there is no need to panic ahead of time, because there are reasons that do not say that the child is sick, but can influence his further well-being:

  1. Mature pregnancy. Now this phenomenon is very common. And sometimes, even midwives do not know why the baby does not want to appear on time. Some explain this by a sedentary lifestyle of the future mother, others with food and ecology.
  2. Stress at birth. This means that the amniotic fluid has become green because of prolonged labor. Physicians have long been proven that the process of the appearance of a baby is a stress not only for the mother's body, but also for the newborn, and even more so if there are any complications. Usually, with this ultrasound does not show suspended particles in the amniotic fluid, therefore, green color can become a surprise for doctors and women in labor.

However, there are more serious reasons when one has to worry not only the parents of the baby, but also the doctors:

  1. Intrauterine infection. A pregnant woman, like anyone, can be sick. This is another reason why there may be amniotic green water during childbirth. They acquire such a shade as a result of a woman suffering from a woman, especially in the first trimester or before childbirth, urinary infections, high blood pressure and other diseases.
  2. Genetic abnormalities. As a rule, if the baby develops with genetic pathologies, the doctor will determine this on ultrasound. Although, for the sake of justice, it must be said that the number of such babies is not so great.
  3. Hypoxia of the fetus. This is one of the most common problems. Such a diagnosis can be made both before childbirth and at earlier stages of pregnancy. In this case, a woman is recommended a cesarean section, and depending on how muddy the water can be, the operation can be carried out both at the scheduled time and earlier.

What dyes the water in green?

The only and main reason for such coloring of amniotic fluid is the original feces of the baby - meconium. It is a black-green color, and is released into the water when the baby has a shortage of oxygen, intrauterine infection, genetic abnormality or stress.

Everyone knows that before the birth of a baby the woman is experiencing a period of fights and a rash of amniotic fluid. And here, it is worth noting that if the waters of green have departed, then this is the reason for immediate consultation with the doctor who is taking delivery. Perhaps, it is timely help that will help make the birth process safe for both the mother and the newborn.

So, the causes of green amniotic fluid are different, but if this happens, ask for an explanation to the doctor, perhaps there is no reason for panic, and your baby just experienced stress at birth.