Restoration of the cycle after childbirth - all the features of the normalization of the reproductive function

The postpartum period is accompanied by numerous changes in the reproductive system. Thus, the recovery of the cycle after childbirth is an integral part of it. Let's consider this process in more detail, calling the terms of normalization, pay attention to possible deviations and find out what monthly after birth should be.

When does menstruation begin after childbirth?

The process of restoring the reproductive system to the prenatal state begins directly with the departure of the afterbirth. Glands of internal secretion begin to produce hormones in the same concentration as before pregnancy. However, the cycle of menstruation after childbirth is not restored immediately. This is due to the need to accumulate the concentration of hormonal compounds. Only after reaching a certain level of hormones the reproductive system begins to work as before.

The absence of menstrual secretions is also due to the synthesis of the hormone prolactin . He is responsible for the production of breast milk. At the same time, the process of ovulation is completely inhibited - maturation of the sex cells in the follicles slows down and the egg does not enter the abdominal cavity. As a result, there is no menstruation. The duration of this period directly depends on whether the mother feeds the baby's breast or not.

When do menstrual periods begin after labor with HS?

Young mothers are often interested in the question of when the menstrual period begins after giving birth while breastfeeding. The absence of menstrual discharge during this period is a normal, physiological condition. In this case, the presence or absence of the monthly directly depends on the level of prolactin in the blood. In most cases, the decrease in its concentration is noted at 3-4 months of the baby's life. Immediately at this time, the menstrual period begins after childbirth. Some mothers observe a lack of monthly breastfeed during the whole period of the baby's feeding.

When do the menstrual periods begin after IV?

Absence of constant stimulation of the breast (applying the baby) leads to a rapid decrease in prolactin in the blood. As a result of its minimum, it reaches 10 weeks after childbirth. Immediately at this time, many mothers talk about the onset of menstrual flow. Initially, they are uninvited, their duration is short, women themselves often call them "daub".

However, there are exceptions to the rules, and some pregnant women fix a month after the birth. Often this happens when spontaneous abortion and abortion. In such cases, stimulation of the breast, the process of lactation is not carried out, because of which the concentration of prolactin decreases instantaneously. This is indicated by the cessation of isolation from the nipple of milk.

Irregular cycle after childbirth

The recovery of the cycle after childbirth requires time. Because of this, doctors are considering irregular, uninfluential menstrual discharge, as a variant of the norm. Gynecologists say that this can be fixed within 6 months after the baby's birth. In the absence of normalization of the menstrual cycle after this period, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

No less anxiety for moms should cause very profuse periods after birth. During 8 weeks (in the norm), the woman is fixed lochia - discharge from the uterus cavity, caused by the restoration of her tissues. They have a somewhat bright coloration, often with impurities of clots. If after 2 months they do not stop, their volume does not decrease, the woman should seek medical advice.

Delay of menstruation after childbirth

The absence of menstrual flow during breastfeeding is the norm. However, if they are not available for women whose babies are on artificial feeding, it is necessary to pay attention to this. The normalization of the cycle is influenced by certain factors:

In order to determine the cause and find out, because of what after the birth, the year is not monthly, the mother should go to the doctor, undergo a comprehensive examination. Among the common factors leading to the development of a disorder, doctors identify:

How to restore the cycle after childbirth?

Restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth is a long process. In this case, the speed of recovery of the reproductive system is often affected by the woman's compliance with certain rules. So doctors advise:

  1. Observe the regime of the day, rest more.
  2. Enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products.
  3. To be engaged in correction of chronic diseases, which were before pregnancy.

Restoration of the cycle after delivery during breastfeeding

In order that the monthly after delivery during breastfeeding have acquired the same consistency and regularity, the mother must fully fulfill the prescriptions and instructions of the doctor. Among these, the central place is the normalization of the diet. So doctors advise him to include more fresh fruits and vegetables. In this case, it is necessary to closely monitor the reaction of a small organism, to monitor the absence of an allergic reaction.

A large role in the process of regulation of the cycle is assigned to vitamin complexes. In this case, doctors appoint specially designed for moms multivitamins. Among them are:

Restoration of the cycle after delivery with artificial feeding

In order to normalize the monthly after birth, the recovery cycle is carried out using hormonal drugs. Such medicines may be used in women who do not breast-feed a baby. The duration of hormone therapy directly depends on the degree of disorder, stage, severity and symptomatology. Selection of a medicinal product is carried out individually. The doctor sets the dosage, frequency of use and duration of therapy. Conducting recovery of the menstrual cycle after childbirth is used: