Acne after childbirth

Immediately after the birth of the baby the woman can face such unpleasant phenomena as dry skin, pigment spots and pimples. Acne after delivery generates special inconveniences, connected with appearance. And they may not necessarily appear on the face. Often after delivery, the woman discovers acne on the body - on the legs, back and even the priest.

And if on their body, in principle, you can hide under clothes, pimples on the face - on the forehead, cheeks, chin, after giving birth are very annoying to women. What are the reasons for the appearance of acne after childbirth and what is the probability that they will pass by themselves?

According to experts, the main reason for the appearance of acne after birth is a sharp reduction in the hormone progesterone. During the entire pregnancy the body regularly allocated this hormone, which is responsible for the beauty of hair, nails and skin. And as soon as his output decreased, the skin instantly reacted.

In addition, because of the lack of time to take care of themselves, young mothers exacerbate the state of things. And if the woman's nutrition is also wrong, then acne can not be avoided - this is for sure. Revise your diet and remove from it all the sweet, flour, go to vegetables, fruits and greens. Such a correction of the diet will significantly reduce the level of acne formation.

If, despite proper nutrition and regular skin care, pimples do not leave you, contact a dermatologist. He will be able to identify the exact cause. It may prove to be a dysbacteriosis , and then your way will go to the gastroenterologist.

Fortunately, many women have a problem with acne left on their own after a certain time, necessary for the restoration of the hormonal background and menstrual cycle. Therefore, wait for your time, but do not forget to take care of the skin on a regular basis - rinse it with broths, moisten with creams, and clean with scrubs.