Birth injury

Birth injuries of newborns - this is a whole group of diseases that occurs after childbirth. They have many reasons, and they are diverse. Unfortunately, more than 75% of children are born with light injuries and micro-injuries received in childbirth. Not all of them can be recognized in the first months of life, but then they can manifest as a backwardness in development, CNS disorders, endless allergies and ENT diseases.

In recent years, new methods for diagnosing them have appeared, which makes it possible to determine with a high degree of probability the causes and nature of the trauma. In addition, modern medicine offers new methods of treating birth injuries and their consequences. Their distinctive feature is that they are completely safe and can be used from the first hours of a child's life.

Causes of birth injuries

As it was said, the causes of birth injuries are very diverse. If you try to group them, it will look like this:

  1. Group of physical and mental causes. This is a woman. Even at the stage of pregnancy planning, all existing diseases must be cured, psychological stability obtained. Any negative emotions during pregnancy affect its course and the normal course of delivery.
  2. The second group of causes is associated with the medical support of pregnancy and the process of childbirth. It's about unnecessary medical procedures and manipulations, which doctors like to prescribe to pregnant women. And not always it promotes normal pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.
  3. A group of factors directly related to pregnancy and childbirth: a narrow pelvis of the mother, pelvic presentation of the fetus , features of fetal development, prematureness or prematurity of the fetus, unskilled actions of the medical staff, severe labor (rapid or prolonged).

Types of birth injuries

Most often in the process of childbirth, the head and spine of the baby are injured. The main types of birth trauma: head trauma, neck (cervical spine), intracranial and spinal trauma, birth trauma of the brain and spinal cord. Less often, such birth trauma as a fracture of the collarbone and various dislocations, as well as trauma to the internal organs.

The human skull, as is known, consists of many bones. In a newborn, they are virtually unrelated and very mobile. And any deviations from the normal course of labor lead to an additional mechanical effect on the skull bones, which are displaced, displacing with it the solid medulla. And this worsens the work of the brain and leads to various violations later.

In the spine, the neck is the most vulnerable - the first and second vertebrae. Sometimes the lumbar spine also suffers, but this happens with the pelvic presentation of the fetus. Very rarely injured thoracic spine, limbs of the child and pelvis.

Special attention is paid to birth trauma at caesarean section - this way of birth is even more traumatic for the baby.

Treatment of birth injuries

Since birth injuries have very diverse and unpleasant consequences, then it is clear that the condition requires treatment. Among the main symptoms of injuries in infancy are the torticollis in newborns , head asymmetry, strabismus, a frequent uncaused crying, sleep disturbance, anxiety, lethargy, poor sucking reflex, trouble breathing, convulsions, frequent regurgitation.

The earlier the measures are taken, the more chances to cure the trauma. The treatment of birth injuries is performed by osteopaths. Their main tool is their hands, and they help to avoid such consequences in the future as hyperactivity, scoliosis, increased pressure inside the skull, enuresis, osteochondrosis and so on.