Recovery after childbirth

Well, the long-awaited baby was born, and a woman, tired of a long pregnancy, wants to return to her former life as soon as possible. But right now you need to take care of yourself, because the full recovery of the body after childbirth requires at least six months.

Especially important is the early postpartum period, when there is an active contraction of the uterus and begins its recovery after childbirth. Once the baby was born, it weighs about a kilogram, and already by two months it decreases to 50 grams. Even in the rod to the bottom of the stomach apply a hot-water bottle with ice, because the cold reduces blood loss. Postpartum hemorrhage lasts about one and a half months and with time it becomes scarcer. There is no difference how the birth took place - naturally, or by cesarean section.

In order for the uterus to shrink as best as possible, the very early application of the baby to the breast is very important. Sucking movements stimulate the contractile activity of the uterine muscles, due to the release of the hormone oxytocin, although they bring unpleasant painful sensations similar to fights. But within a week they come to naught. If the mother does not feed the baby, she is given intramuscular injections of this hormone.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth

In general, the recovery of menstruation after the birth occurs in all its own way, depending on the characteristics of the body and the course of the postpartum period. But the main factor on which depends when the menstruation begins, is the restoration of the hormonal background after childbirth. During pregnancy, the body of a woman has changed very much, compared with the state before it, and it is not easy for him to return to previous functions.

If a woman feeds her baby on demand, with small intervals between feedings even at night, she has a high level of hormone responsible for lactation - prolactin . He, in turn, does not allow ovulation, and accordingly monthly. Often, these moms menstruation comes to the end of the period of feeding.

Women who feed their baby seldom, alternating breastfeeding with artificial ones, can expect the appearance of menstruation by the age of 6 months and even earlier. Well, moms who do not breastfeed at all, they begin almost two months later. A young mother needs to remember that the absence of menstruation is not a guarantee against a new pregnancy, and therefore it is necessary to consult the doctor in the maternity home about the measures of protection.

Vaginal recovery after childbirth

Well, the most uneasy and disturbing of all women in labor is the question - how soon will the vagina return its former form and will it return at all? It is advisable to postpone the sexual life for a couple of months, until all the postpartum discharge has finally ended. If you start sexually early, it can cause infection, because the uterus is open and is a bleeding wound. If the stitches were applied after the birth, then this too is a reason to wait a little and give them a good healing.

Unfortunately, the full vagina will not be the same as before, because it was subjected to a colossal load and tension, which led to the stretching of its walls. Recovery after the birth of vaginal muscles will go faster if, like during pregnancy, Kegel exercises , which are very useful for the elasticity of the tissues and for controlling the involuntary urination that many people have at this time. Dryness during the first sexual intercourse, to which women complain, goes through three months.

In the postpartum period, it is mandatory to visit the gynecologist, who can follow the dynamics, how the woman restores after delivery, and also in time to identify various abnormalities and diseases.