How quickly to lose weight after childbirth?

Excess weight, which remains after childbirth, is often very frustrating for young mothers. At numerous forums devoted to motherhood, you can find desperate messages "Help to lose weight after childbirth". Disadvantages of the figure are often seriously overshadowed by the first months after childbirth and women tend to get rid of excess weight by any acceptable means.

How can I quickly lose weight after childbirth?

This is the most common question of young mothers. Unlike any other period in the life of a woman, in the postnatal period, in no case should you starve yourself and overstrain yourself. All doctors insist on this. The first few months are restorative for young mothers, so a full-fledged, vitamin-rich diet and regular rest are a guarantee of further health and well-being. These restrictions exclude the possibility of losing weight after birth with the help of ordinary diets and physical exertion. So what is left for the young mother to return to the old forms? The following are effective and effective methods of losing weight, tested by many women who gave birth.

  1. Breastfeeding on demand. Women breastfeeding, more than others are interested in the effectiveness and safety of the method of losing weight. Because it is known that during the period of feeding all the products that the mother uses, through the milk get to the baby. Breastfeeding on demand allows you to quickly restore the hormonal balance in the female body. And this, in turn, allows you to quickly get rid of all the excess in the form of unwanted pounds, stretch marks and cellulite. In addition, psychologists say that breastfeeding is an excellent way to communicate with the baby, which reduces the likelihood of postpartum depression. And any stresses are extremely undesirable for a young mother and have a bad effect on her figure.
  2. Physical activity. Familiar fitness, shaping and jogging are unsuitable for a young mother. Nevertheless, she needs an adequate physical load. The best exercises are long walks, thorough cleaning. At the women's forum in the topic "How fast to lose weight after childbirth?" You can find numerous tips for young mothers about the permissible exercise. Some walk with the stroller walking, others - choose a secluded place in the park and while the baby sleeps, perform exercises on yoga. It is important that any load does not cause inconvenience and does not overstrain the young mother.
  3. Food. Proper nutrition of the nursing mother is devoted to the works of many doctors and nutritionists. Most new moms tend to eat right and at the same time do not cease to be interested in how quickly to lose weight after giving birth with a special diet? In this matter, they are somewhat disappointed, since there is no diet for weight loss for newly-given women. To get rid of extra pounds, it is recommended to eat less fatty foods, increase the number of vegetables and fruits, limit yourself to sweet. Young mother should eat at least 6 times a day in small portions. It is important that every meal is not turned into a full-fledged high-calorie dinner.

Nevertheless, even for those women who are breastfeeding their baby, the question "How fast to lose weight if I breastfeed?" is often open. "If feeding on demand together with proper nutrition and exercise does not bring any result, you should consult a doctor. Probably, from excess weight do not give to get rid of problems with a thyroid gland.

Quite the opposite is the case, when a young mother suddenly loses weight after giving birth. This phenomenon, as a rule, is not so distressing to women, but it is quite dangerous, as it can lead to serious problems with well-being. If a young mother has lost a lot of weight after giving birth, then she should give up everything, and do herself and the baby to regain strength and weight.