The clitoris hurts after giving birth

Some women complain of having a gynecologist after childbirth that they have pain in the area of ​​the clitoris. Often, this phenomenon is associated with the fact that after the delivery an episiotomy was performed and, possibly, when the deep tissues of the vagina were closed, the clitoris was touched. In fact, this is not so. Let's try to figure out why the clitoris hurts after the birth, and let's name the main reasons for this phenomenon.

Because of what the clitoris can hurt?

First of all, among the possible reasons, doctors call the consequence of excessive fetal pressure on the pelvic organs. When passing through the birth canal of the baby, there is a hyperextension of the vaginal tissues, including the clitoris. In such cases, as a rule, the discomfort disappears after 10-14 days from the moment of the appearance of the baby, not light.

In some cases, pain in the area of ​​the clitoris after childbirth can arise as a result of the accumulation in its hood of smegma (discharge). This is noted mainly in the case of non-observance of intimate hygiene or improper conduct of it in women with large foreskin.

It is also worth noting that this can be noted after the delivery, in which the woman was placed a catheter, - a tube to drain the urine from the bladder. A similar procedure is carried out, as a rule, before the cesarean section

What other causes can cause pain in the clitoris?

When a woman complains to a doctor that her clitoris hurts after giving birth, he responds that it is normal. However, it should be borne in mind that the appearance of this kind of disorder, not immediately after the birth of the baby, but after a while (2-3 weeks), may indicate an exacerbation of the chronic process in the reproductive system or the development of an infectious disease, for example, herpes or candidiasis. That is why in such situations a smear from the urethra and vagina is prescribed, which allows to determine the cause of the pain.