How long does it take to bleed after delivery?

The mother who just made a child to the world should be ready for new "surprises", which will be presented to her by her body. Among all the joys and hassles that have arisen, much attention is paid to the question of how long the bleeding after the delivery lasts, and how it should be normal. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to it, because each carries the birth in different ways. One can say with certainty: the discharge of blood from the vagina must be reduced steadily, until the complete cessation.

With regard to timing, the duration of bleeding after delivery can range from 6 to 8 weeks. With all this, a woman should not feel any discomfort or pain. Duration of excretions depends on many factors, the main of which are:

No doctor can specifically say how long menstruation lasts after giving birth in each particular case. But after it stops, and the allocation takes a normal character, you need to turn to your gynecologist to test your female health.

Problems arise when lochias become purulent or greenish, have an unpleasant smell or cause other discomfort. All this directly or indirectly indicates the unhealthy processes occurring in the female genital system.

In order to help your body as soon as possible to overcome the recovery period after the resolution of the burden, a woman simply needs to follow simple recommendations:

If the general condition of the mother is normal, the postpartum discharge lasts as long as it is inherent in nature, after which it is possible to expect the onset of menstruation after childbirth .